External Email - Use Caution        

Hi profesor Greve,

I believe I have located the problem, as you will see in the code below it 
seems one of the groups (FemalePDMCI) has only 7 subjects and (MALEPDMCI) has 
13 which means the regression won't have enough DOF. They amount of DOF needed 
is NregressorsDODS = Nclasses*(Nvariables+1) = 4*(4+1) = 
20. Therefore I believe I would have to renounce to divide my subjects in Males 
and Females. Here is the output, let me know if that was the main issue. 
mri_glmfit --y $PRJDIR/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/$image.nii.gz \
> --fsgd $PRJDIR/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/glm_covariates_moca_groups.fsgd dods \
> --C $PRJDIR/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/contrast_moca_groups.mtx \
> --glmdir $PRJDIR/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/$image.corr_g_glmdir --eres-save 
> --illcond
gdfRead(): reading 
mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir $PRJDIR/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/$image.corr_g_glmdir \
            --cwp .9 \
INFO: DeMeanFlag keyword not found, DeMeaning will NOT be done.
Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
0 age 0.00273866 1.00533
1 relative_motion 0.0142075 0.995938
2 dis_duration 0.00767562 1.0031
3 moca 0.0168011 0.991508
Class Size and Means of each Continuous Variable
1 MaleHC 35   0.0125   0.2192  -0.6716   0.1872
2 MalePDCN 63   0.0523  -0.0415   0.2829   0.2509
3 MalePDMCI 13   0.4036   0.4899   0.1774  -2.0122
4 FemaleHC 20  -0.2146  -0.0406  -0.6716   0.1562
5 FemalePDCN 37  -0.1703  -0.1990   0.4623   0.4639
6 FemalePDMCI  7   0.2990  -0.1089   0.1496  -1.9348
INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods

cwd /export/home/vferrer
cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
 dods --C 
 --eres-save --illcond
sysname  Linux
hostname ipsnode-7-3.local
machine  x86_64
user     vferrer
FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
OneSampleGroupMean 0
logyflag 0
usedti  0
IllCondOK 1
ReScaleX 1
DoFFx 0
Creating output directory 
            --perm 1000 1.5 abs --overwrite --perm-force --seed 1669778971
Loading y from 
   ... done reading.
INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
Saving design matrix to 
Computing normalized matrix
Normalized matrix condition is 1e+08
Matrix condition is 3.69944e+08
Pruning voxels by thr: 1.175494e-38
Found 47 voxels in mask
Saving mask to 
search space = 158.625000
DOF = 145
Starting fit and test
Fit completed in 0.000783333 minutes
Computing spatial AR1 in volume.
fMRIspatialAR1(): hit 0 voxels
WARNING: no voxels in AR1 computation
Residual: ar1mn = (-nan,-nan,-nan) fwhm = (-nan,-nan,-nan) -nan
Writing results
    maxvox sig=0.000253964  F=5.38727e-07  at  index 42 0 0    seed=1670287315
Computing efficiency
mri_glmfit done
[vferrer@ipsnode-7-3 ~]$
[vferrer@ipsnode-7-3 ~]$ mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir 
$PRJDIR/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/$image.corr_g_glmdir \
>             --cwp .9 \
>             --perm 1000 1.5 abs --overwrite --perm-force --seed 1669778971
cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
 dods --C 
 --eres-save --illcond
mri_info --dim 
 --o /scratch/vferrer/tmp.suxi2S
Turning on 1D dim = 47 1 1 1
log file is 

cd /export/home/vferrer
 --cwp .9 --perm 1000 1.5 abs --overwrite --perm-force --seed 1669778971

mri_glmfit-sim 7.3.2
Tue Nov 29 16:06:54 CET 2022
Linux ipsnode-7-3.local 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 7 19:03:37 
UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
FREESURFER_HOME /opt/freesurfer-7.3.2

Original mri_glmfit command line:
cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
 dods --C 
 --eres-save --illcond

DoSim = 1
UseCache = 0
DoPoll = 0
DoPBSubmit = 0
DoBackground = 0
DiagCluster = 0
gd2mtx = dods
Seed = 1669778971
fwhm = 0
nSimPerJob = 1000
1/1 Tue Nov 29 16:06:54 CET 2022
mri_glmfit --C 
 --sim perm 1000 1.5 
 --sim-sign abs --fwhm 0 --fsgd 
 dods --mask 
 --perm-force --seed 1669778971
INFO: ignoring tag Creator
INFO: ignoring tag SUBJECTS_DIR
INFO: ignoring tag SynthSeed
FWHM = 0.000000
gdfRead(): reading 
INFO: NOT demeaning continuous variables
Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
0 age 0.00273894 1.00533
1 relative_motion 0.0142074 0.995939
2 dis_duration 0.0076754 1.0031
3 moca 0.0168018 0.991509
Class Size and Means of each Continuous Variable
1 MaleHC 35   0.0125   0.2192  -0.6716   0.1872
2 MalePDCN 63   0.0523  -0.0415   0.2829   0.2509
3 MalePDMCI 13   0.4037   0.4899   0.1774  -2.0122
4 FemaleHC 20  -0.2146  -0.0406  -0.6716   0.1562
5 FemalePDCN 37  -0.1703  -0.1990   0.4623   0.4639
6 FemalePDMCI  7   0.2990  -0.1089   0.1496  -1.9348
INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods

cwd /export/home/vferrer
cmdline mri_glmfit --C 
 --sim perm 1000 1.5 
 --sim-sign abs --fwhm 0 --fsgd 
 dods --mask 
 --perm-force --seed 1669778971
sysname  Linux
hostname ipsnode-7-3.local
machine  x86_64
user     vferrer
FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
OneSampleGroupMean 0
logyflag 0
usedti  0
maskinv 0
glmdir (null)
IllCondOK 0
ReScaleX 1
DoFFx 0
Loading y from 
   ... done reading.
INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
Computing normalized matrix
Normalized matrix condition is 1e+08
Design matrix ------------------
ERROR: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno = 1e+08

-------- ERROR: READ THIS -----------------
Possible problem with experimental design:
Check for duplicate entries and/or lack of range of
continuous variables within a class.
If you seek help with this problem, make sure to send:
  1. Your command line:
    mri_glmfit --C 
 --sim perm 1000 1.5 
 --sim-sign abs --fwhm 0 --fsgd 
 dods --mask 
 --perm-force --seed 1669778971
  2. The terminal output of this program (ie, everything it prints to the 
  3. The FSGD file 
  4. The design matrix (null)/Xg.dat
Attempting to diagnose further
SumSq: Min=1.455099 (col 24), Max=8.657582 (col 23)
 ... could not determine the cause of the problem

Vicente Ferrer
Predoctoral Researcher BCBL

Legal disclaimer/Aviso legal/Lege-oharra: 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
To: "freesurfer" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2022 3:04:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] ERROR: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, 
condno = 1e+08

that is quite strange. Does it happen every time? What is the 
mri_glmfit-sim command line and terminal output?

On 11/23/2022 2:47 PM, Vicente Ferrer wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Freesurfer users,
> I was trying yo use mri_glmfit-sim after using mri_glmfit that run 
> successfully and I encounter this error:
> ERROR: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno = 1e+08
> --------------------------------
> -------- ERROR: READ THIS -----------------
> --vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-----
> Possible problem with experimental design:
> Check for duplicate entries and/or lack of range of
> continuous variables within a class.
> If you seek help with this problem, make sure to send:
>    1. Your command line:
>      mri_glmfit --C 
> /bcbl/home/public/PD_ANALYSIS/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/lh.atr.avg16_syn_bbr.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/tmp.mri_glmfit-sim-29440/contrast_moca_groups.mtx
>  --sim perm 1000 1.5 
> /bcbl/home/public/PD_ANALYSIS/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/lh.atr.avg16_syn_b  
> br.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/csd/perm.th15.abs.j001 --sim-sign abs --fwhm 0 --fsgd 
> /bcbl/home/public/PD_ANALYSIS/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/lh.atr.avg16_syn_bbr.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/y.fsgd
>  dods --mask /bcbl/home/public/PD_ANALYSIS/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/lh.atr.avg  
> 16_syn_bbr.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/mask.mgh --y 
> /bcbl/home/public/PD_ANALYSIS/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/lh.atr.avg16_syn_bbr.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/eres.mgh
>  --perm-force --seed 1669778971
>    2. The terminal output of this program (ie, everything it prints to the 
> screen)
>    3. The FSGD file 
> (/bcbl/home/public/PD_ANALYSIS/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/lh.atr.avg16_syn_bbr.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/y.fsgd)
>    4. The design matrix (null)/Xg.dat
> Attempting to diagnose further
> SumSq: Min=1.455099 (col 24), Max=8.657582 (col 23)
>   ... could not determine the cause of the problem
> --^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----
> Seems like there is a problem with the condition matrix, but I do not 
> understand why. Could you help me with this problem? I attached the contrast 
> and fsgd files
> Best,
> Vicente Ferrer
> Predoctoral Researcher BCBL
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1LltUaRD73SETA6gdKJYUJ2TOvuENOJaNZO4-8mWNgOMdlQCoa_sUW_ZQTf95PUj8t6eYzLPTzgRh1_09ymiZA67iF7bs9VDsOjp1dPJHoJzziqEUobtfHm1Psm5QwPOXVnpmU8o6gSgXQnAbtE_6yQUfqoU_g5FGM8vtxf5Lz-WNZfUcBhWcz5-MaJpKe3yw7Hiv765avkYx6nTYAbrvcEBN7E1kMUKXM5MVlpjMB-db8O-xisYr1dJTTiikY1Ej8xYt6EDxJi-8ZvyY7Uv4K4lnSdvvZCrNXh81GdRup8H2fVad3e8VUFfPNh0VJ97Z/https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__http%3A%2F%2Fsecure-web.cisco.com%2F1kWZEOu8GTFhJvEwUHVoEpHYRwVtjwPjaW-68jFXGIsKvsccvtZ_SpRT4mbfMn9yTEj2SS5sODMuPyTAI7wxqhCmRxBRJ-35S_I8dxkyBkn-mSO5ejNKj3y_fRHlzfZYF0Y7e4avfl65oYvF1P9f6zlpO9fvp61CMx3UMDUkUt33HANwhKrNAQrsy2Y5VCcoRrA2AKBS0Z5P-jUa88tp7dylA1Zd2jmD5f7dpneDGC1UTgcKCSiQESkTtkx8M29TK78bxICiS2DYkMxYTENKlkex0JPgoayYX8JXmUgwvPcKnzKLxI-NITvFv7ql7vHrpEha80-krYMT5O5ictU2HZA%2Fhttp*3A*2F*2Fwww.bcbl.eu__;JSUl!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TjwEwxlcphP94Eem0VV_Ac5cyRfTuBgB2oEHsWsri2po-UDTIxqY3ZvzNfn5hDA4gGsn1MkRFVGg6njUUPa9Iw$
> Legal disclaimer/Aviso legal/Lege-oharra: 
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1o09atTG4we7cn2fAdaM2QEicFN8DUt0dqyYKHuckWK3y6psTBwyqZwB7CeczOlHwYQlxGn7JF5Rkb48_nXkH3W10drc-q5oCO0CpsXjmsSQe9105nSRr6CUHmdt0Uhu3Fb2k8PQoDySqbnaFdbx2LfBE9Ayiugjt9iUUa94YlO3GjYp5DC_XATqa58MXUIfiKOXFosh4jPrhZsvGoDP2NV1SQEh9eX1NLLvjrvESGmpWnucHdH4BM6lAlW0kln-bLJCI3nWMMQizxmYQUa3Z2tFlDqXjblloLsrcwjyjV03t9oBT42rU5QmVVk7I73Xp/https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__http%3A%2F%2Fsecure-web.cisco.com%2F1rEQgkEB6hY4LJfH-np0OE9PS23Pj1ILuIHA5pV4sVGy6iIr-tPaz1dGNzeFeyqXXgVqPgUG9Qgp7lZdkhjdAcHDfLVn6s7EOi9wtR4KF_7pSBxwpwPdYFmAwjwozeIs_mTK37awik2WmWkYvzoV-QMyrLQrumy5vOdXlqgwK4yAk6dOtUj8cCE4shdj0ASydOPCuTVGQcNrMej809QxJJlq-1Q7gqxfnn3t8ouyZ19eLX1Q-lx0TFvoWRwwFe6tlQt7-xyz-DFdnxm9fdfvX6Oqx8jaubFX_2FfGKhpdxyfGxBbHvkSQ2U2P84Or7lYVraCUyjOe5ytoTdER0M4Zfg%2Fhttp*3A*2F*2Fwww.bcbl.eu*2Flegal-disclaimer__;JSUlJQ!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TjwEwxlcphP94Eem0VV_Ac5cyRfTuBgB2oEHsWsri2po-UDTIxqY3ZvzNfn5hDA4gGsn1MkRFVGg6ngUWVw8yQ$
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