External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer users,

I was trying yo use mri_glmfit-sim after using mri_glmfit that run successfully 
and I encounter this error:

ERROR: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno = 1e+08

-------- ERROR: READ THIS -----------------
Possible problem with experimental design:
Check for duplicate entries and/or lack of range of
continuous variables within a class.
If you seek help with this problem, make sure to send:
  1. Your command line:
    mri_glmfit --C 
 --sim perm 1000 1.5 
br.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/csd/perm.th15.abs.j001 --sim-sign abs --fwhm 0 --fsgd 
 dods --mask /bcbl/home/public/PD_ANALYSIS/FREESURFER_PPMI/stats/lh.atr.avg  
16_syn_bbr.FA_Avg.corr_g_glmdir/mask.mgh --y 
 --perm-force --seed 1669778971
  2. The terminal output of this program (ie, everything it prints to the 
  3. The FSGD file 
  4. The design matrix (null)/Xg.dat
Attempting to diagnose further
SumSq: Min=1.455099 (col 24), Max=8.657582 (col 23)
 ... could not determine the cause of the problem

Seems like there is a problem with the condition matrix, but I do not 
understand why. Could you help me with this problem? I attached the contrast 
and fsgd files

Vicente Ferrer
Predoctoral Researcher BCBL

Legal disclaimer/Aviso legal/Lege-oharra: 

Attachment: contrast_moca_groups.mtx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: glm_covariates_moca_groups.fsgd
Description: Binary data

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