Thank you! I ran the development version of the mri_glmfit-sim command on my 
data, and it did not crash and seems to give reasonable outputs (smaller 
clusters disappear after correction). Whenever your tests are done, it will be 
good to know if they confirm that everything is working.

<> on behalf of Douglas N. Greve 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 6:29 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit of surface CBF maps while regressing out 
cortical thickness

I just updated the code to accept PVRs. I'm not sure what I have to do to test 
it; I guess I need to run the null test like I did for the non-PVR version. 
This will take a while. In the mean time, can you download the development 
version and just try it on your data to see if it crashes or gives results that 
don't seem to make sense? You'll have to wait until the development version is 
updated (probably tomorrow).

On 2/17/2022 5:22 PM, Dhungana, Asim wrote:
Hello Doug, just following up on my questions below on how/if I can correct for 
multiple comparisons with PVR. Thanks again.

From: Dhungana, Asim 
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 11:45 AM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit of surface CBF maps while regressing out 
cortical thickness

OK, I see. How would you recommend correcting for multiple comparisons if the 
perm option does not work with PVR?

Also, are you saying that I should only use the glm.osgm.lh/eres.mgh file as a 
pvr argument? Does this look correct:

mri_glmfit \
--y lh.cbf.fwhm10.mgh \
--fsgd cbf.fsgd \
--pvr glm.osgm.lh/eres.mgh \
--C contrast.ctx \ # where contrast.ctx = "1 -1 0"
--surf fsaverage lh \
--cortex \
--glmdir lh.cbf.fwhm10.glmdir \

 on behalf of Douglas N. Greve 
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2022 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit of surface CBF maps while regressing out 
cortical thickness

Re: long run  time. Sorry, permutation will not work with PVR.
Re: mean thickness. Use the eres.mgh from you osgm analysis instead of the raw 
thickness map (lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh)

On 2/8/2022 4:12 PM, Dhungana, Asim wrote:
Dear Freesurfer experts,

I am trying to run a GLM analysis comparing the difference in the cortical CBF 
maps between two groups, but I would like to regress out cortical thickness. I 
read through a post with a similar question 
but I am still a little confused and want to confirm the steps of my analysis 


1. Compile/smooth CBF data on surface for all subjects.
--hemi lh \
--projfrac 0.5 \
--target fsaverage \
--o lh.cbf.00.mgh \
--iv subj1/cbf.mgz  subj1/register_pasl.dat \
--iv subj2/cbf.mgz  subj2/register_pasl.dat \
... until subjN

mri_surf2surf \
--hemi lh \
--s fsaverage \
--sval lh.cbf.00.mgh \
--fwhm 10 \
--cortex \
--tval lh.cbf.fwhm10.mgh

2. Compile/smooth thickness data on surface for all subjects.
mris_preproc \
--fsgd cbf.fsgd \
--target fsaverage \
--hemi lh \
--meas thickness \
--out lh.thickness.00.mgh

mri_surf2surf \
--hemi lh \
--s fsaverage \
--sval lh.thickness.00.mgh \
--fwhm 10 \
--cortex \
--tval lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh

3. GLM fit of CBF maps, including thickness as a regressor.
mri_glmfit \
--y lh.cbf.fwhm10.mgh \
--fsgd cbf.fsgd \
--pvr lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh \
--C contrast.ctx \ # where contrast.ctx = "1 -1 0"
--surf fsaverage lh \
--cortex \
--glmdir lh.cbf.fwhm10.glmdir \

4. Multiple comparisons correction
mri_glmfit-sim \
--glmdir lh.cbf.fwhm10.glmdir \
--perm 1000 1.3 abs \
--cwp 0.05 \
--2spaces \
--bg 35


I am currently having issues with Step 4; it has been over an hour, and it 
seems that the command will not finish executing. It is also not outputting any 
error messages. Whenever I run this analysis using the same parameters but 
without regressing out thickness, this step takes under five minutes on my 
machine and returns appropriate results. It seems like I must be doing 
something wrong, but I'm not sure. Please let me know if there is anything that 
you would change/add above.

Also, I noticed that you recommended regressing out the overall mean thickness 
(which you can obtain through mri_glmfit --surf fsaverage lh --osgm --y 
lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh --o glm.osgm.lh --eres-save). Is glm.osgm.lh the mean 
stratified by class or the overall mean? If I were to include this in my GLM 
fit, would this be the correct command:

mri_glmfit \
--y lh.cbf.fwhm10.mgh \
--fsgd cbf.fsgd \
--pvr lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh glm.osgm.lh \
--C contrast.ctx \ # where contrast.ctx = "1 -1 0 0"
--surf fsaverage lh \
--cortex \
--glmdir lh.cbf.fwhm10.glmdir \

Thank you for taking a look at this, let me know if you need any other 

Asim Dhungana

​Freesurfer version: freesurfer-linux-centos7_x86_64-7.1.0-20200511-813297b

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