Dear Freesurfer experts,

I am trying to run a GLM analysis comparing the difference in the cortical CBF 
maps between two groups, but I would like to regress out cortical thickness. I 
read through a post with a similar question 
but I am still a little confused and want to confirm the steps of my analysis 


1. Compile/smooth CBF data on surface for all subjects.
--hemi lh \
--projfrac 0.5 \
--target fsaverage \
--o lh.cbf.00.mgh \
--iv subj1/cbf.mgz  subj1/register_pasl.dat \
--iv subj2/cbf.mgz  subj2/register_pasl.dat \
... until subjN

mri_surf2surf \
--hemi lh \
--s fsaverage \
--sval lh.cbf.00.mgh \
--fwhm 10 \
--cortex \
--tval lh.cbf.fwhm10.mgh

2. Compile/smooth thickness data on surface for all subjects.
mris_preproc \
--fsgd cbf.fsgd \
--target fsaverage \
--hemi lh \
--meas thickness \
--out lh.thickness.00.mgh

mri_surf2surf \
--hemi lh \
--s fsaverage \
--sval lh.thickness.00.mgh \
--fwhm 10 \
--cortex \
--tval lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh

3. GLM fit of CBF maps, including thickness as a regressor.
mri_glmfit \
--y lh.cbf.fwhm10.mgh \
--fsgd cbf.fsgd \
--pvr lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh \
--C contrast.ctx \ # where contrast.ctx = "1 -1 0"
--surf fsaverage lh \
--cortex \
--glmdir lh.cbf.fwhm10.glmdir \

4. Multiple comparisons correction
mri_glmfit-sim \
--glmdir lh.cbf.fwhm10.glmdir \
--perm 1000 1.3 abs \
--cwp 0.05 \
--2spaces \
--bg 35


I am currently having issues with Step 4; it has been over an hour, and it 
seems that the command will not finish executing. It is also not outputting any 
error messages. Whenever I run this analysis using the same parameters but 
without regressing out thickness, this step takes under five minutes on my 
machine and returns appropriate results. It seems like I must be doing 
something wrong, but I'm not sure. Please let me know if there is anything that 
you would change/add above.

Also, I noticed that you recommended regressing out the overall mean thickness 
(which you can obtain through mri_glmfit --surf fsaverage lh --osgm --y 
lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh --o glm.osgm.lh --eres-save). Is glm.osgm.lh the mean 
stratified by class or the overall mean? If I were to include this in my GLM 
fit, would this be the correct command:

mri_glmfit \
--y lh.cbf.fwhm10.mgh \
--fsgd cbf.fsgd \
--pvr lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh glm.osgm.lh \
--C contrast.ctx \ # where contrast.ctx = "1 -1 0 0"
--surf fsaverage lh \
--cortex \
--glmdir lh.cbf.fwhm10.glmdir \

Thank you for taking a look at this, let me know if you need any other 

Asim Dhungana

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