what is your mris_anatomical_stats command and terminal output?

On 4/22/2021 4:48 PM, Jensen, Alexandria wrote:

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Hello fellow Freesurfer users,

  I am attempting to reproduce the analysis conducted by Parker et al.
  in their 2018 paper, “Cortical microstructure in young onset
  Alzheimer's disease using neurite orientation dispersion and density
  imaging” (*MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
  "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be*
  Cortical reconstruction of the T1 structural image was done in
  Freesurfer and NODDI processing using the NODDI toolbox in Matlab.
  The final steps I am attempting to complete include (1) projecting
  the ODI/NDI maps to an inflated surface to create surface maps (2.
  Materials and Methods, 2.5 Diffusion-weighted MRI processing); and
  (2) calculating mean ODI/NDI values across both hemispheres for a
  selected number of ROIs from the Desikan parcellation (2. Materials
  and Methods, 2.6 Cortical ROIs). The Parker et al. paper has
  provided the Freesurfer functions used in each of these final steps,
  but I am getting stuck on step (2) and am now worried that I have
  made an error in step (1). Below is the code I have written so far
  to project an ODI map onto an inflated surface:

bbregister \

--s freesurfer \

--mov odi.nii \

--init-fsl \

--reg register.dat \


tkregister2 \

--s freesurfer \

--mov odi.nii \

--reg register.dat \


mri_vol2surf \

--src odi.nii \

--out odi_in_cortex.nativespace.mgh \

--srcreg register.dat \

--hemi lh \

--projfrac 0.5

  When I load lh.inflated, the lh.aparc.DKTatlas.annot annotation
  file, and the odi_in_cortex.nativespace.mgh overlay in Freeview,
  things seem to be correct. The issue I have is when I try to use
  mris_anatomical_stats(). I have tried different combinations of
  label and annotation files but am either getting errors or no errors
  but also no output.

  Any guidance would be much appreciated! I am new to Freesurfer and
  have been learning it as part of my graduate research assistantship.
  I am using Freesurfer version 7.1.1 on a macOS Catalina, version
  10.15.7 operating system for reference.


  Alexandria Jensen

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