External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Vittal,

I am (again) attaching my response to your message. This response has been on 
the freesurfer list since Nov 30, maybe you did not see it?

Best, Kersten

From: Diers, Kersten /DZNE
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 6:27 PM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: Longitudinal pipeline

Hello VIttal,

thanks for the info about the design.

You wrote before that the Matlab variable X (i.e., the design matrix) has a 
dimension of 47x6. X is a translation of the study design into a numerical 
matrix, which is part of the statistical model. In your case, I assume that he 
first column is a vector of ones (i.e. the intercept/constant of the 
statistical model), and that the other columns reflect the numerical data in 
the table that you sent, in the same order. Correct me if I am wrong.

Now, the contrast "matrix“ specifies the questions that you want to ask to the 
data, i.e. the effect of a certain variable (or sometimes combinations of 
variables) onto the outcome variable Y. I put "matrix" in quotes, because in 
many cases a simple vector is sufficient; contrasts need not necessarily be 
specified as a matrix, and contrasts specified as a matrix are typically more 
complex than those specified by a vector.

In any case, the contrast vector/matrix needs to have as many elements/columns 
as there are columns in X, because the elements/columns oft the contrast 
vector/matrix will be matched with (and therefore need to correspond to) the 
columns of X. I.e. the nth element/column in your contrast vector/matrix refers 
to the nth predictor variable in the statistical model, i.e. the nth column of 
X. There are 6 columns in X in your case.

The entries in the contrast vector/matrix represent weights that you assign to 
each variable in order to test for its effect. One often (but not always or 
necessarily) uses +1 to test for a positive relation of the chosen variable on 
Y, -1 for a negative effect, and zero for not considering a variable for a 
given contrast. Therefore, the simplest contrast is a vector with a single 
non-zero entry, and this already allows for the testing of effects. In other 
cases, contrasts can have more than one non-zero entry, or can be formulated as 
a matrix, but we don’t need this at the moment.

The major issue with your design in its current form is that you will not be 
able to distinguish effects of time from effects of treatment, due to the 
absence of a control group. This precludes, as far as I can see, a clear 
interpretation of any changes in Y that you might observe. If you still want to 
go ahead and test the time/treatment effect, just set the corresponding element 
of the contrast vector to +1 or -1.



Am 10.12.2020 um 09:10 schrieb vittal korann 

Hi Kersten

Thank you for kind response.

I think we need to talk about the design matrix X first (sorry, I did not look 
at your xlsx file; I think it's probably better to send simple csv files if at 
I attached longitudinal data in csv format.

Besides the covariates that you mention, the matrix needs to contain an 
intercept, a variable for ?time?, a variable for ?group? (assuming you have a 
control group also), and a group-by-time interaction term in order to asses 
differential change over time (again, if you have a control group).
I do not have a control group. Right now I have only schizophrenia patients who 
underwent 2 scans: first is baseline and second one is after 3 months of yoga 
therapy. Wish to know the how can I proceed with my availabe data.

Just to make sure: ?age? should be ?age at baseline? (i.e. constant across time 
per subject), otherwise it will be confounded with time.
Yes, I used same across the study.

Could you review (and possibly adapt) your design matrix X with respect to 
which columns it contains, and write it in the reply?
I tried but couldn't get there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


<longitudinal_data (1).csv>

Kersten Diers
Image Analysis Group (AG Reuter)
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
B.1.114 | Building 99 | Venusberg-Campus 1 | 53127 Bonn | Germany
Phone: +49 / 228 / 43302 - 381

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