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Hello Freesurfer Developers,

I have some questions about why the first step of PETSurfer needs to create 
gtmseg.mgz segmentation.

I noticed that the differences between gtmseg.mgz and aseg.mgz are the 
gtmseg.mgz has a higher resolution and also to separate the pons and the vermis 
from the brainstem and the cerebellar. I would like to know whether the reason 
to create the gtmseg.mgz segmentation is because the ROI is based on the Pons? 
If so, I also have read some other articles that the ROI is based in other 
regions. Why does the Freesurfer choose Pons instead? Also, what is the purpose 
of separating the vermis from the cerebellar? Is the reason to create the 
gtmseg.mgz segmentation just for the system to run the PVC?

looking forward to your reply.
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