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Dear FS list,

as soon as samseg was available in FS v6dev we used it to process some 
of our data. The plan was always to wait for v7 to use a stable version, 
but edits were made already on v6FSdev, while we waited last spring for 
v7 to come out.

Now I have been having issues with transferring edits from v6dev into 
v7.1, which I thought should be a straight forward thing to do.

The way I did it, is I ran v7.1 on the raw data, then I copied the files 
where edits where made, e.g. brainmask.mgz, wm.mgz as well as 
control.dat. Finally, at this point I reran recon-all -all ( since I 
actually couldn't get recon-all with the -make flag to work).

But I see my rerun fails with the error message:

Saving brainmask.auto.mgz
Command terminated by signal 11
@#@FSTIME  2020:10:06:14:45:45 mri_watershed N 10 e 20.81 S 1.93 U 22.55 
P 117% M 893740 F 0 R 330549 W 0 c 83 w 1353 I 22344 O 2312 L 3.35 3.67 
@#@FSLOADPOST 2020:10:06:14:46:06 mri_watershed N 10 3.10 3.59 2.93
Linux krogh 4.12.14-lp151.28.59-default #1 SMP Wed Aug 5 10:58:34 UTC 
2020 (337e42e) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

recon-all -s g612_GD exited with ERRORS at Tue Oct  6 14:46:06 CEST 2020

and I don't understand why. The earlier FSrun with v7.1 ran fine and I 
also tried copying to a separate directory to check file permissions and 
the same error appears again.

I have uploaded the subject to the ftp server at 
surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu and it's called subject.tar.gz.

Kind regards,



Yours sincerely

Melanie Ganz-Benjaminsen

Direct: + 45 35 45 67 18
Mail: melanie.g...@nru.dk

Neurobiology Research Unit

Rigshospitalet, building 6931
Juliane Maries Vej 28, 3rd floor
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Phone: +45 3545 6712
Fax: +45 3545 6713

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