0.09940 and 0.10338 seem pretty close to me:). The summary file has Hi and 
Low which is the 95% confidence interval assuming a binomial model at the mean 

On 9/9/2020 3:24 PM, freesurferl...@gmx.com wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Thanks, I was looking for the higher resolution as, from my understanding, 
> the p-value of a cluster is usually reported as “p =“ rather than “p <“ (but 
> this may be not worth the extra computational time for cluster 1).
> Just as a follow up question, what about cluster 2 for cwp0.1 and cwp0.999. 
> This has a CWP of 0.09940 and 0.10338 respectively. Should we be expecting 
> convergence by 10,000 iterations for this cluster?
> On 10/9/20 at 12:18 am, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
> The issue is that the chance of this event happening by chance is very
> low, around 2-14 times out of 10,000. You are getting this variation
> because you are only using 10000 iterations. But why would you need
> higher resolution to your p-value? It will definitely be below 0.05
> needed for publication.
> On 9/8/2020 8:45 PM, Paul wrote:
>>          External Email - Use Caution
>> Dear Douglas,
>> Thanks for looking in this. Please see files attached.
>> Also, I have used Freesurfer 5.1 for all the processing (i.e recon-all
>> and editing etc) and have used Freesurfer 6.0 for the statistical
>> analysis (i.e. mris_preproc, mri_surf2surf, mri_glmfit) and the patch
>> version of mri_glmfit-sim (i.e
>> ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/6.0.0-patch/mri_glmfit-sim).
>> <ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/6.0.0-patch/mri_glmfit-sim>
>> Kind regards,
>> Paul
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 09, 2020 at 1:01 AM
>> *From:* "Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
>> *To:* freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit-sim using --cwp 0.05, --cwp
>> 0.1, --cwp 0.999
>> On 9/7/2020 10:52 PM, Paul wrote:
>>              External Email - Use Caution
>>      Dear Freesurfer Experts,
>>      I have few questions regarding CWP values from mri_glmfit-sim
>>      using --cwp 0.05, --cwp 0.1, --cwp 0.999.
>>      Using the 3 three commands below (A, B and C):
>>      A. mri_glmfit-sim  --glmdir lh_status.glmdir --perm 10000 1.3 abs
>>      --cwp 0.05 --2spaces --bg 1
>>      B. mri_glmfit-sim  --glmdir lh_status.glmdir --perm 10000 1.3 abs
>>      --cwp 0.1 --2spaces --bg 1
>>      C. mri_glmfit-sim  --glmdir lh_status.glmdir --perm 10000 1.3 abs
>>      --cwp 0.999 --2spaces --bg 1
>>      I end up with the same significant ClusterNo 1.  (in terms of Max,
>>      VtxMax, Size(mm^2), MNIX, MNIY, MNIZ, NVtxs, WghtVtx, Annot)
>>      However, the CWP is 0.00040, 0.00140, and 0.00020 for A, B and C
>>      respetively.
>>      I was expected after 10,000 iterations, the CWP would be more
>>      closely matched or even convergent.
>>      Could you please let me know if this result is typical after
>>      10,000 iterations?
>>      Also, should I be using more iterations (say 20k or more 100k?) to
>>      reach convergence across A, B, and C or is it usual to just report
>>      A, B or C?
>> I don't understand. All you are changing is the CWP threshold? The
>> final CWP value for a cluster should not be changing at all. If this
>> is the case, can you send me the summary file for each?
>>      Kind regards,
>>      Paul
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