External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Ellen,
I suspect that you really do not have the system privileges to read/write every 
subject directory.  I have run into this with other commands that scan 
multiple subject directories.
Assuming there is one top level directory that contains all the subject 
directories, and it’s OK for you to try and set/change permissions on those 
files, then in terminal window you could “cd” to that parent directory,

$ cd <path to top of tree containing all subject subdirectories>
- and then try running the following command,
$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; -print
That will try and change the permissions of every subdirectory there such that 
you can read and write to it.  But if you don’t have permission to access 
some of those directories, then you will get an error..  You may have to 
find someone wit, e.g., admin/root. privileges to change the permissions on the 
subdirectories the chmod command fails on.

- R.
On Sep 9, 2020, at 03:19, Ellen Ji <ellen...@bli.uzh.ch> 
wrote:       External Email - Use Caution 
       Dear experts,I created a loop for 
mri_surf2surf so that it would run for 300+ subjects. For most of them, it 
ran successfully. However, it did not work for 30 subjects. I then went to 
investigate one by one and I am getting a Permission denied error for some 
reason. I confirm that recon-all has been performed and also that I have 
read/write/execute permissions. See below for the log. Any ideas why this 
could be happening to specific 
 --srcsubject fsaverage_sym 
 --trgsubject SPN01_CMH_0079_01 
 --hemi lh 
 --sval-annot fsaverage_sym/label/lh.500_sym.aparc.annot 
 --tval SPN01_CMH_0079_01/label/lh.500_sym.aparc.annotSetting mapmethod to 
nnf7.1.0setenv SUBJECTS_DIR 
--srcsubject fsaverage_sym --trgsubject SPN01_CMH_0079_01 --hemi lh 
--sval-annot fsaverage_sym/label/lh.500_sym.aparc.annot 
--tval SPN01_CMH_0079_01/label/lh.500_sym.aparc.annotsysname  
Linuxhostname nu2machine  x86_64user     ejisrcsubject 
= fsaverage_symsrcval     = (null)srctype    
=trgsubject = SPN01_CMH_0079_01trgval     = 
=srcsurfreg = sphere.regtrgsurfreg = sphere.regsrchemi    = 
lhtrghemi    = lhframe      = 
0fwhm-in    = 0fwhm-out   = 0label-src  = 
(null)label-trg  = (null)OKToRevFaceOrder  = 1UseDualHemi = 0Reading 
source surface 
reg /home/eji/projects/spins/preproc/freesurfer/subjects/w0/fsaverage_sym/surf/lh.sphere.regLoading
 source dataReading surface 
file /home/eji/projects/spins/preproc/freesurfer/subjects/w0/fsaverage_sym/surf/lh.origreading
 colortable from annotation file...colortable with 161 entries read 
(originally /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.28231/seg.1.073.xhemi.ctab)Reading 
target surface 
reg /home/eji/projects/spins/preproc/freesurfer/subjects/w0/SPN01_CMH_0079_01/surf/lh.sphere.regDoneUsing
 surf2surf_nnfr()Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject 
Surfacesurf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16).Surf2Surf: Forward Loop 
(123600)Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (123600)INFO: nSrcLost = 
61776nTrg121 = 123600, nTrgMulti =     0, MnTrgMultiHits = 
0nSrc121 = 85136, nSrcLost = 61776, nSrcMulti = 78706, MnSrcMultiHits 
= 0.488705Saving target dataConverting to target annotSaving to target 
annot SPN01_CMH_0079_01/label/lh.500_sym.aparc.annoterror: Permission 
deniederror: could not write annot 
file SPN01_CMH_0079_01/label/lh.500_sym.aparc.annot_______________________________________________Freesurfer
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