External Email - Use Caution        

The Alzheimer's Prevention Program of the Barcelonabeta Brain Research
center is seeking a  Research Engineer in Neuroimaging. For further
information on the position, please visit the following link:


To apply, please submit a single PDF file containing the following: 1)
Cover letter describing research interests and relevant background; 2) CV
3) The names of up to three individuals who could provide reference
letters. All files or inquiries should be submitted electronically to:
r...@barcelonabeta.org Subject: Research Engineer in Neuroimaging

Deadline: 10th of July

*Juan Domingo Gispert*Group Leader - Neuroimaging
* Brain Research Center (BBRC) *jdgisp...@barcelonabeta.org
T. (+34) 93 326 31 67
C/ Wellington, 30
08005 Barcelona

Confidencialitat correu electrònic BBRC
<https://www.barcelonabeta.org/ca/politica-privacitat-web>. Confidencialidad
correo electrónico BBRC
<https://www.barcelonabeta.org/es/politica-privacidad-web>. E-mail
confidentiality BBRC <https://www.barcelonabeta.org/en/privacy-policy-web>.
Gràcies per estalviar paper. *Gracias por ahorrar papel. *Thanks for saving
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