I'm not sure what you mean by "like lh.BA3b.label". Are you just talking
about the file name or the actual label?
On 6/24/2020 7:37 AM, Peng Liu wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I was trying to perform some ROI analysis with results obtained from
recon-all. However I noticed that after recon-all, the labels created
were like 'lh.BA3b*_exvivo*.label', whereas the labels I would want to
create are like 'lh.BA3b.label'.
I have tried mri_annotation2label command, but the results I got were
not as wanted either.
Does anyone know how to create labels like 'lh.BA3b.label'?
Any help would be appreciated a lot!
Many Thanks
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Peng Liu, PhD Candidate
Institut für Kognitive Neurologie und Demenzforschung (IKND)
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE)
Leipziger Str. 44| Haus 64| Raum 217
39120 Magdeburg, Deutschland
Email: peng....@med.ovgu.de/peng....@dzne.de
Phone: +49 391 67 25074
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