What is the value for cerebellum in those three scenarious (gtm, no pvc,
and mgx)?
On 3/10/2020 12:37 PM, Eckbo, Ryan wrote:
Hello experts,
I've recently run into a case the gtmstats uptake (reference region:
cerebellum) for the pericarlcarine ROI's are as low as 0.40,
however computing the voxel wise mean using input.rescaled.nii.gz and
mgx.ctxgm.nii.gx and aux/seg.nii.gz, the values are closer to 1,
as expected:
| vol | psf | roi | gtmstats_uptake |
mean_uptake |
| --------------------- | --- | -------------------- | ---------------
| ----------- |
| input.rescaled.nii.gz | 0 | ctx-rh-pericalcarine | 0.807 |
1.226… |
| input.rescaled.nii.gz | 0 | ctx-lh-pericalcarine | 0.758 |
1.083… |
| input.rescaled.nii.gz | 6 | ctx-rh-pericalcarine | 0.409 |
1.197… |
| input.rescaled.nii.gz | 6 | ctx-lh-pericalcarine | 0.470 |
1.058… |
| mgx.ctxgm.nii.gz | 0 | ctx-rh-pericalcarine | 0.807 |
1.007… |
| mgx.ctxgm.nii.gz | 0 | ctx-lh-pericalcarine | 0.758 |
0.888… |
| mgx.ctxgm.nii.gz | 6 | ctx-rh-pericalcarine | 0.409 |
0.915… |
| mgx.ctxgm.nii.gz | 6 | ctx-lh-pericalcarine | 0.470 |
0.809… |
This is using Freesurfer 6.0, and the PET to anatomical registration
looks fine.
Any ideas why we get such bad values from the GTM method?
Thanks for any help,
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