Hi Yuanyuan
this is really more of a batch processing/shell scripting question than a
FreeSurfer one. Something like (in tcsh)
set SUBJECTS = (N001 N002...)
foreach s ($SUBJECTS)
mris_anatomical_stats -l lh.precentral.label -t lh.thickness -b \
-f $s/stats/lh.precentral.stats $s lh
should do the trick
On Sat, 14 Dec 2019, ?????? wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer developers,
I used Freesurfer QDEC for group comparisons and identified clusters with
significance cortical
thickness between the Patient group and the Control group. Then I created
several ROIs manually, saved
them as labels, and mapped them onto each subject.
I have learned how to get the cortical thickness of certain label (e.g.,
lh.precentral.label) from one
subject (e.g. N001) using this command "mris_anatomical_stats -l
lh.precentral.label -t lh.thickness -b
-f N001/stats/lh.precentral.stats N001 lh".
But using this command for each label and each subject (one by one) to extract
cortical thickness is
rather time-consuming, I am wondering if there this a batch processing command
for this (for all
subjects, do the aforementioned command automatically, so that I can extract
the cortical thickness
values of the lh.precentral.label of all subjects)?
I've searched the freesurfer wiki and the question list but found no help.
Excuse me for this basic
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Yuanyuan Yin
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