35% sounds high to me. Did you actually check the registration

You can always load the the fMRI as an overlay in freeview, try
tksurferfv subject lh inflated -ov fmri-sampled-on-lh.mgz
Also, please include command lines you used

On 11/21/19 10:03 AM, An wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hi there,
> I want to map the intensities of the fMRI 4D volumes onto its surface 
> in order to get the functional values on each vertex in each frame.
> I have done the following steps for achieving this:
> 1. ran recon-all on its anatomical volume.
> 2. register the fMRI series with the anatomical volume by using 
> bbregister.
> 3. assign values from volumes to each surface vertex through the 
> command mri_vol2surf.
> I have got a result of mapping the 4D volumes intensities onto its 
> surfaces but there are 35.5% vertices assigned 0 value in every time 
> frame.
> I am wondering is the ratio reasonable and how could I improve the 
> result? I guess resolution would be one of reasons causing the high 0 
> value ratio, my fMRI data is 2mm^3 and anatomical data is 1mm^3.
> Many thanks for your help.
> Best,
> An
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