External Email - Use Caution        

Hello An,
My understanding is that in Freesurfer 5 you need to have a file called 
“.license” and it should be placed in the directory where you installed 
freesurfer.  That directory is also the path the variable $FREESURFER_HOME 
points to.
So if there was no “.license” file there to begin with, then this command would 
have reported there was no such file,
$ ls  $FRESSURFER_HOME/.license
Newer versions of Freesurfer look for “license.txt”.   Did you rename the 
newly generated “license.txt” file and copy it to live under $FREESURFER_HOME 
to be “.license” ?, e.g., from wherever “license.txt” maybe you did something 
$ cp license.txt  $FREESURFER_HOME/.license
I was going to suggest you try doing that copy to create what freesurfer 5 is 
looking for, but from your output below, it looks like you already did that and 
it is finding $FREESURFER_HOME/.license but saying the key is incorrect to run 
version 5.
I don’t know how to change/re-generate a key to work with version 5, but we can 
look into it.    
- R.
On Sep 4, 2019, at 20:56, An Lijun <lijun...@hotmail.com> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Dear Freesurfer 
experts,Right now I am trying to use Freesurfer 5.1.0. But the software showed 
ERROR “Invalid FreeSurfer license key found in license file”. We tried to 
apply license online, however, the license provided online is now for 6.0.0 
version and it seems not applicable for 5.1.0 since I still got the same error 
message as before.May I ask how to get the licnese of 5.1.0?The tricky part is 
the format of lecense now I get from Fresssurfer is different from the old one 
in Freesurfer 5.1.New License I get(call license.txt):xxxxxxxx@gmail.com43508
 FSOkaDD5AxOQkOld License(call .license):xxxxxxxx@gmail.com39689*1PS: I tried 
to use `dos2unix` to transfer the license to unix format, but it seems no help. 
Thanks for your 
help! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Best
 Regards,An Lijun_______________________________________________Freesurfer 
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