The in-line help in version 6.0 of FreeSurfer is incorrect
unfortunately. Please try the following for example:

mris_pmake --subject    testSubject                         \
           --hemi       lh                                  \
           --surface    pial                                \
           --curv       sulc                                \
           --mpmOverlay euclidean                           \
           --mpmProg    pathFind                            \
           --mpmArgs    vertexStart:121981,vertexEnd:132633 

to determine the distance on subject 'testSubject' for the lh.pial
surface. Of course, adjust as necessary.


On Wed, 2019-08-21 at 14:35 -0400, Lee, Jeungchan wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to calculate Dijkstra distance between startVertex and
> endVertex on the inflated surface (fsaverage, lh.inflated) using
> mris_pmake.
> I see several options: --surface0, --surface1, --curv0, --curv1
> I think I can use ‘--surface0 inflated’, but not sure about other
> options e.g., --surface1, --curv0, and --curv1.
> I read the instruction (curv0 for curvature, curv1 for height
> parameter…) but was not able to understand what those mean exactly
> and what to use.
> Would you explain what the meaning is and what to use?
> Here is the command line that I have:
> Mris_pmake --subject fsaverage --hemi lh --surface0 inflated --curv0
> sulc --curv1 sulc --mpmOverlay euclidean --mpmProg pathFind --mpmArgs 
> `more ./input_D.txt` (where input_D.txt says
> startVertex:8762,endVertex:1, for example)
> Thanks in advance,
> jeungchan
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