I’m trying to calculate Dijkstra distance between startVertex and endVertex on the inflated surface (fsaverage, lh.inflated) using mris_pmake. I see several options: --surface0, --surface1, --curv0, --curv1 I think I can use ‘--surface0 inflated’, but not sure about other options e.g., --surface1, --curv0, and --curv1. I read the instruction (curv0 for curvature, curv1 for height parameter…) but was not able to understand what those mean exactly and what to use. Would you explain what the meaning is and what to use? Here is the command line that I have: Mris_pmake --subject fsaverage --hemi lh --surface0 inflated --curv0 sulc --curv1 sulc --mpmOverlay euclidean --mpmProg pathFind --mpmArgs `more ./input_D.txt` (where input_D.txt says startVertex:8762,endVertex:1, for example) Thanks in advance, jeungchan
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