External Email - Use Caution        

Thanks, Doug!

On Sun, 9 Jun 2019 at 04:31 Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>

> This is a question about the biology. I.e., when you include mean
> thickness as a covariate, you are then measuring the difference between
> groups subtracting out the mean thickness of each individual. By using a
> hemisphere specific value, you might introduce (or remove)
> cross-hemispheric effects.
> On 6/8/2019 11:33 PM, Pedro Rosa wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear all,
> I read previous threads on the list concerning the use of 'total measures'
> (e.g., mean thickness, total brain volune, total area) as covariates in
> FreeSurfer's group analysis
> Given that FreeSurfer analyses brain hemispheres separately, would it make
> more sense to use hemispheric values (i.e., lh total area in the lh area
> analysis and rh total area in rh area analysis) than the mean cortical
> value (e.g., mean between lh and rh total area in both lh and rh analyses)?
> Best,
> Pedro.
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