what happens if you load it into freeview instead of tksurfer?
How did you create lh.surf_combined-magn_CL_fwhm1.mgh ? Does it look ok 
on the surface? Are the values integers?

On 2/20/19 12:56 PM, Barletta, Valeria wrote:
> Thank you Doug,
> As you suggested, I tried to use that command
> (mris_seg2annot --seg lh.surf_combined-magn_CL_fwhm1.mgh --s 
> MS072_R01_04 --hemi lh --ctab MS072_R01_04.txt --o lh.cortical_les.annot)
> but I got this error on tksurfer:
> Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
> reading white matter vertex locations...
> % reading colortable from annotation file...
> colortable with 7 entries read (originally MS072_R01_04.txt)
> Found embedded color table in annotation.
> 131940 vertices did not have an annotation!
> surfer: WARNING: no labels imported; annotation was empty
> I attach my color table file...
> Thanks for your help,
> Vale
> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *>Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.*DGREVE at mgh.harvard.edu   
> <mailto:freesurfer%40nmr.mgh.harvard.edu?Subject=Re:%20%5BFreesurfer%5D%20clusters%20annotation%20file%20in%20surface&In-Reply-To=%3C2b8a798d-7cff-1db2-4508-51e52751f3eb%40mgh.harvard.edu%3E>
> />Tue Feb 19 16:33:32 EST 2019/
> >You can create an annotation with mris_seg2annot (you basically have a 
> >surface-based segmentation). Run it with --help to get more info 
> >including examples. You will need to create your own color table
> On 2/19/19 3:21 PM, Barletta, Valeria wrote:
> >//>/Dear Freesurfers, />//>/I have a 3D volume mask of cortical lesions with 
> >8 different clusters />/(8 cortical lesions). />//>/I projected this mask to 
> >the cortex and obtained a .mgh file with the />/command vol2surf: 
> >/>//>/mri_vol2surf --src $path_to_lesion/$subj/combined-$lesion.nii.gz --out 
> >/>/$path_to_output/$subj/surf/$hemi".surf_combined-"$lesion".mgh" 
> >/>/--projfrac-avg -0.1 1 0.05 --hemi $hemi --regheader $subj />//>//>/Now I 
> >need to extract label files from this surface file, one />/label for each 
> >cluster, and then an annotation file summarizing all />/the label files. 
> >/>//>/How can I do this? />//>/Thanks, />//>/Vale/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Barletta, Valeria
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:21 PM
> *To:* freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> *Subject:* clusters annotation file in surface
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I have a 3D volume mask of cortical lesions with 8 different clusters 
> (8 cortical lesions).
> I projected this mask to the cortex and obtained a .mgh file with the 
> command vol2surf:
> mri_vol2surf --src $path_to_lesion/$subj/combined-$lesion.nii.gz --out 
> $path_to_output/$subj/surf/$hemi".surf_combined-"$lesion".mgh" 
> --projfrac-avg -0.1 1 0.05 --hemi $hemi --regheader $subj
> Now I need to extract label files from this surface file, one 
> label for each cluster, and then an annotation file summarizing all 
> the label files.
> How can I do this?
> Thanks,
> Vale
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