Another strange thing, one of the points (voxels) I'm trying to morph is 149 
137 108. In Freeview, this coordinate is in the left hippocampus. When applying 
the morphing to our template brain, this is the terminal output:
computing image for point 149 137 108
 = 141.143 151.458 11.3095
But (141 151 11)  is outside the template's brain.

For the registration, I'm using the following command:
mri_cvs_register --mov MG122 --template colin27 --outdir 
/home/cashlab/mmvt_root/subjects/MG122/mri_cvs_register_to_colin27 --nocleanup 
--openmp 8

For applying it on the electrodes:
mri_cvs_register --mov MG122 --template colin27 --outdir 
 --nocleanup --openmp 8

And for applying it on the electrodes file:
applyMorph --template 

Am I missing something?
<> on behalf of Peled, Noam 
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 10:36 AM
To: Lilla Zollei; Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] applyMorph gives (10000 10000 10000) coordinates

Hey Lila,
Sorry for the confusion, the attached file is the terminal output.
Please find also the applyMorph output file.

<> on behalf of Lilla Zollei 
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 10:31 AM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] applyMorph gives (10000 10000 10000) coordinates

Hi Noam,

Maybe a I am a bit confused but in the attached file I do not see the
(10000 10000 10000) coordinate that correspond to invalid coordinate
locations. Is the file that you attached your
electrodes_morph_to_colin27.txt or is it the terminal output?


On Thu, 7 Feb 2019, Peled, Noam wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm trying to morph patients' invasive electrodes into a template brain.
> I'm not sure why, but sometimes, the applyMorph gives me the (10000 10000 
> 10000) coordinates for a subset of the electrodes, where the rest are ok.
> In the output, for those electrodes I can see it writes "not valid", but 
> still gives reasonable coordinates and not (10000 10000 10000)
> For example:
> applyMorph --template 
> /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/subjects/colin27/mri/orig.mgz 
> --transform 
> /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/subjects/MG106/mri_cvs_register_to_colin27/combined_tocolin27_elreg_afteraseg-norm.tm3d
>  point_list
> /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/subjects/MG106/electrodes/electrodes_to_morph.txt
> /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/mmvt/MG106/electrodes/electrodes_morph_to_colin27.txt
>  a
> Where in the output file you can see the (10000 10000 10000)  coordinates.
> I attached the applyMorph output.
> btw, I'm using the Freesurfer dev version
> Thanks,
> Noam
> 
> LZ
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