Hey all, I'm trying to morph patients' invasive electrodes into a template brain. I'm not sure why, but sometimes, the applyMorph gives me the (10000 10000 10000) coordinates for a subset of the electrodes, where the rest are ok. In the output, for those electrodes I can see it writes "not valid", but still gives reasonable coordinates and not (10000 10000 10000) For example:
applyMorph --template /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/subjects/colin27/mri/orig.mgz --transform /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/subjects/MG106/mri_cvs_register_to_colin27/combined_tocolin27_elreg_afteraseg-norm.tm3d point_list /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/subjects/MG106/electrodes/electrodes_to_morph.txt /autofs/space/thibault_001/users/npeled/mmvt/MG106/electrodes/electrodes_morph_to_colin27.txt a Where in the output file you can see the (10000 10000 10000) coordinates. I attached the applyMorph output. btw, I'm using the Freesurfer dev version Thanks, Noam LZ
Template name:/local_mount/space/thibault/1/users/npeled/subjects/colin27/mri/orig.mgz After loading template Template name:/local_mount/space/thibault/1/users/npeled/subjects/colin27/mri/orig.mgz After loading template extension = tm3d data size = 144945311 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 148594983 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 16 uilen = 3 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 257777 uilen = 6 loading transform id string = data size = 71 uilen = 7 loading transform id string = loaded transform executing filter on file /local_mount/space/thibault/1/users/npeled/subjects/MG106/electrodes/electrodes_to_morph.txt The number of lines in the input file is 214 computing image for point 127 115 177 = 130.881 159.835 48.9774 valid computing image for point 130 115 177 = 133.607 160.851 48.71 valid computing image for point 133 115 177 = 135.946 162.356 47.661 valid computing image for point 137 115 177 = 139.09 162.775 46.8734 valid computing image for point 141 115 177 = 140.297 163.009 46.2098 valid computing image for point 144 115 177 = 142.3 161.281 44.3398 valid computing image for point 148 115 177 = 145.84 161.603 42.0473 valid computing image for point 151 115 177 = 147.368 159.362 42.2778 valid computing image for point 155 115 177 = 152.428 159.408 41.8632 valid computing image for point 158 114 177 = 154.842 157.229 40.359 valid computing image for point 162 114 177 = 159.988 156.492 41.0982 valid computing image for point 166 113 177 = 167.409 154.575 42.0068 valid computing image for point 169 114 179 = 174.403 155.768 43.8384 valid computing image for point 171 114 179 = 177.166 155.691 44.0198 valid computing image for point 124 121 185 = 129.922 164.841 51.8364 valid computing image for point 127 119 185 = 134.632 164 53.0312 valid computing image for point 130 118 185 = 136.759 164.935 54.4396 valid computing image for point 134 117 184 = 138.824 165.956 51.7842 valid computing image for point 138 115 184 = 140.943 164.89 50.5941 valid computing image for point 141 115 184 = 142.655 162.795 50.3766 valid computing image for point 145 114 183 = 146.188 161.687 50.2295 valid computing image for point 148 112 183 = 152.797 160.582 50.1051 valid computing image for point 151 113 183 = 153.284 159.745 48.5842 valid computing image for point 155 111 182 = 159.225 156.275 46.775 valid computing image for point 158 110 182 = 165.496 154.288 46.7171 valid computing image for point 162 109 182 = 171.434 150.812 46.8667 valid computing image for point 129 105 148 = 130.602 123.757 2.28372 valid computing image for point 131 104 148 = 132.657 122.529 2.8569 valid computing image for point 136 104 148 = 137.256 122.647 3.15639 valid computing image for point 139 103 149 = 139.569 121.95 5.38376 valid computing image for point 143 103 149 = 142.451 122.084 5.83202 valid computing image for point 147 102 149 = 145.114 120.873 7.05031 valid computing image for point 150 102 149 = 147.037 120.978 7.60215 valid computing image for point 154 101 150 = 149.259 120.297 10.7982 valid computing image for point 157 102 150 = 151.233 121.722 10.8858 valid computing image for point 161 101 150 = 153.359 120.351 13.0719 valid computing image for point 165 100 151 = 155.425 119.57 17.1487 valid computing image for point 168 101 151 = 157.149 121.151 17.8223 valid computing image for point 171 101 151 = 159.13 121.461 18.9834 valid computing image for point 175 100 151 = 162.404 120.604 21.2537 valid computing image for point 132 91 116 = 136.051 95.5479 -1.96345 not valid computing image for point 135 91 116 = 139.4 95.7008 -1.75428 not valid computing image for point 139 92 117 = 143.788 97.5558 -0.88557 not valid computing image for point 142 92 117 = 147.137 97.7087 -0.6764 not valid computing image for point 146 92 118 = 151.535 98.4783 0.660144 not valid computing image for point 149 93 118 = 154.873 99.7166 0.401483 not valid computing image for point 153 93 118 = 159.338 99.9205 0.680377 not valid computing image for point 156 94 120 = 162.542 102.29 2.53702 not valid computing image for point 160 94 120 = 167.008 102.494 2.81591 not valid computing image for point 164 95 121 = 171.395 104.349 3.68462 not valid computing image for point 166 94 121 = 173.638 103.366 4.2919 not valid computing image for point 170 95 121 = 178.093 104.655 4.10296 not valid computing image for point 174 95 121 = 182.558 104.859 4.38186 not valid computing image for point 178 95 121 = 187.024 105.063 4.66075 not valid computing image for point 136 138 149 = 137.8 165.431 11.2298 not valid computing image for point 138 136 149 = 140.053 163.362 12.305 not valid computing image for point 140 133 148 = 142.385 159.642 12.7902 not valid computing image for point 141 130 148 = 143.533 156.437 14.2635 not valid computing image for point 142 127 147 = 144.748 152.666 14.679 not valid computing image for point 143 122 146 = 143.309 145.999 -3.64764 valid computing image for point 145 119 145 = 145.121 141.529 -3.65274 valid computing image for point 146 117 145 = 145.895 138.953 -3.5807 valid computing image for point 147 114 144 = 146.847 134.406 -3.56003 valid computing image for point 148 112 144 = 147.56 131.788 -3.36578 valid computing image for point 149 109 143 = 148.4 127.276 -3.13 valid computing image for point 150 107 143 = 148.981 124.631 -2.39035 valid computing image for point 152 104 142 = 150.407 120.145 -1.75338 valid computing image for point 153 101 141 = 150.998 115.568 -1.0397 valid computing image for point 154 99 140 = 151.68 112.325 -0.674474 valid computing image for point 156 96 140 = 152.45 107.967 1.72525 valid computing image for point 143 151 149 = 145.476 179.897 5.63611 not valid computing image for point 146 151 147 = 148.96 178.918 3.72998 not valid computing image for point 150 151 147 = 153.425 179.122 4.00887 not valid computing image for point 153 151 148 = 156.707 179.841 5.27569 not valid computing image for point 156 150 149 = 159.999 179.474 7.01034 not valid computing image for point 160 150 149 = 164.464 179.678 7.28923 not valid computing image for point 164 150 149 = 168.93 179.882 7.56813 not valid computing image for point 167 150 148 = 172.346 179.469 6.71965 not valid computing image for point 171 150 149 = 176.744 180.239 8.05619 not valid computing image for point 174 149 149 = 180.103 179.306 8.73319 not valid computing image for point 177 149 149 = 183.452 179.459 8.94236 not valid computing image for point 181 149 149 = 187.918 179.663 9.22126 not valid computing image for point 145 155 135 = 148.608 176.42 -10.9029 not valid computing image for point 149 156 135 = 153.063 177.709 -11.0918 not valid computing image for point 152 155 135 = 156.423 176.777 -10.4148 not valid computing image for point 155 155 135 = 159.772 176.93 -10.2056 not valid computing image for point 159 155 135 = 164.237 177.134 -9.92675 not valid computing image for point 162 155 135 = 167.586 177.287 -9.71758 not valid computing image for point 166 155 135 = 172.051 177.491 -9.43868 not valid computing image for point 170 154 135 = 176.527 176.609 -8.69196 not valid computing image for point 174 152 135 = 181.013 174.642 -7.4774 not valid computing image for point 177 152 135 = 184.362 174.795 -7.26823 not valid computing image for point 181 151 136 = 188.771 174.48 -5.46386 not valid computing image for point 183 151 137 = 190.936 175.147 -4.26676 not valid computing image for point 147 158 120 = 151.818 171.292 -28.0317 not valid computing image for point 150 157 120 = 155.178 170.36 -27.3547 not valid computing image for point 155 158 120 = 160.749 171.7 -27.4739 not valid computing image for point 157 156 119 = 163.07 169.066 -27.4564 not valid computing image for point 161 156 119 = 167.535 169.27 -27.1775 not valid computing image for point 165 155 118 = 172.078 167.823 -27.4885 not valid computing image for point 168 155 118 = 175.427 167.975 -27.2793 not valid computing image for point 172 154 117 = 179.97 166.528 -27.5902 not valid computing image for point 175 155 117 = 183.309 167.767 -27.8489 not valid computing image for point 179 154 117 = 187.785 166.885 -27.1022 not valid computing image for point 182 154 117 = 191.134 167.038 -26.893 not valid computing image for point 186 154 117 = 195.599 167.242 -26.6141 not valid computing image for point 113 120 172 = 109.162 160.775 34.1574 valid computing image for point 109 120 172 = 105.629 161.13 32.8198 valid computing image for point 106 120 171 = 104.065 160.794 29.8431 valid computing image for point 102 120 171 = 101.245 160.722 29.0729 valid computing image for point 99 120 171 = 99.3541 160.71 28.8086 valid computing image for point 95 120 170 = 97.5758 159.691 26.886 valid computing image for point 92 119 169 = 96.1602 157.311 25.2255 valid computing image for point 88 119 169 = 94.5445 157.029 25.3677 valid computing image for point 85 119 168 = 93.3807 155.97 23.9477 valid computing image for point 81 119 167 = 91.4864 154.723 22.73 valid computing image for point 77 119 167 = 89.2752 154.299 23.3965 valid computing image for point 73 119 168 = 86.6756 154.565 25.685 valid computing image for point 112 120 188 = 106.485 165.677 53.5792 valid computing image for point 110 120 187 = 102.221 165.966 53.7515 valid computing image for point 109 120 188 = 100.39 166.443 55.1393 valid computing image for point 107 120 187 = 99.0081 166.718 54.6491 valid computing image for point 103 120 186 = 95.5373 165.239 52.3683 valid computing image for point 99 118 185 = 93.4939 163.296 51.1699 valid computing image for point 96 118 184 = 90.5296 161.12 49.5121 valid computing image for point 92 115 182 = 92.3594 157.249 47.6697 valid computing image for point 90 115 182 = 92.7311 158.944 47.9095 valid computing image for point 87 114 180 = 91.5857 158.36 47.0339 valid computing image for point 84 111 179 = 93.7978 151.437 45.2223 valid computing image for point 80 111 178 = 91.3165 150.531 45.4054 valid computing image for point 114 104 151 = 112.982 123.396 5.90744 valid computing image for point 112 104 151 = 111.053 123.249 5.70934 valid computing image for point 107 104 150 = 106.828 122.256 3.86287 valid computing image for point 104 102 149 = 104.797 118.843 3.47794 valid computing image for point 101 102 149 = 102.663 118.57 3.46022 valid computing image for point 97 102 148 = 99.7506 117.777 2.341 valid computing image for point 93 102 147 = 96.7199 117.025 1.54502 valid computing image for point 90 102 147 = 94.651 116.774 2.01279 valid computing image for point 87 101 146 = 92.5808 114.641 2.19245 valid computing image for point 83 100 146 = 90.4561 112.738 4.09428 valid computing image for point 80 100 145 = 88.3815 112 4.2304 valid computing image for point 76 100 144 = 85.7062 111.174 5.09489 valid computing image for point 73 100 143 = 83.4357 110.436 5.60522 valid computing image for point 71 100 143 = 82.1138 110.28 6.53095 valid computing image for point 117 96 122 = 118.85 103.604 0.997444 not valid computing image for point 116 97 122 = 117.723 104.638 0.459889 not valid computing image for point 113 97 122 = 114.374 104.486 0.250719 not valid computing image for point 110 97 122 = 111.025 104.333 0.0415493 not valid computing image for point 106 99 122 = 106.539 106.299 -1.17301 not valid computing image for point 103 99 122 = 103.19 106.146 -1.38218 not valid computing image for point 99 100 122 = 98.714 107.028 -2.1289 not valid computing image for point 96 101 121 = 95.4217 107.394 -3.86355 not valid computing image for point 93 101 121 = 92.0728 107.242 -4.07272 not valid computing image for point 89 102 121 = 87.5969 108.123 -4.81945 not valid computing image for point 85 102 120 = 83.1989 107.353 -6.15599 not valid computing image for point 82 102 120 = 79.8499 107.2 -6.36516 not valid computing image for point 79 102 120 = 76.501 107.047 -6.57433 not valid computing image for point 74 104 120 = 70.8982 108.963 -7.85861 not valid computing image for point 71 105 120 = 67.5386 109.896 -8.53561 not valid computing image for point 68 106 120 = 64.1791 110.828 -9.21261 not valid computing image for point 110 141 153 = 108.474 169.624 12.2441 not valid computing image for point 108 137 151 = 106.419 164.049 11.8607 not valid computing image for point 106 136 151 = 104.197 162.862 12.1891 not valid computing image for point 104 132 149 = 102.141 157.287 11.8057 not valid computing image for point 103 130 148 = 101.113 154.5 11.614 not valid computing image for point 101 128 147 = 98.9687 151.662 11.3525 not valid computing image for point 100 126 146 = 97.9408 148.874 11.1608 not valid computing image for point 98 123 145 = 95.8072 144.951 11.3672 not valid computing image for point 96 119 144 = 93.6842 139.942 12.0414 not valid computing image for point 94 117 142 = 91.6072 136.538 10.7224 not valid computing image for point 93 112 141 = 90.6111 130.494 11.9341 not valid computing image for point 91 110 140 = 88.4668 127.656 11.6727 not valid computing image for point 90 107 138 = 87.5168 123.218 10.8912 not valid computing image for point 88 103 137 = 85.3937 118.209 11.5654 not valid computing image for point 85 101 136 = 82.1332 115.319 11.2342 not valid computing image for point 83 96 134 = 80.088 108.659 11.3187 not valid computing image for point 105 156 142 = 103.474 179.426 -6.75609 not valid computing image for point 102 155 141 = 100.203 177.622 -7.55508 not valid computing image for point 98 155 141 = 95.7377 177.418 -7.83397 not valid computing image for point 94 155 141 = 91.2724 177.214 -8.11286 not valid computing image for point 91 156 141 = 87.9129 178.147 -8.78987 not valid computing image for point 87 156 141 = 83.4476 177.943 -9.06876 not valid computing image for point 84 156 140 = 80.1659 177.224 -10.3356 not valid computing image for point 80 156 141 = 75.6333 177.586 -9.55682 not valid computing image for point 76 157 138 = 71.3593 176.77 -13.4765 not valid computing image for point 73 157 138 = 68.0103 176.617 -13.6857 not valid computing image for point 69 157 138 = 63.545 176.413 -13.9646 not valid computing image for point 67 157 138 = 61.3124 176.311 -14.104 not valid computing image for point 102 158 131 = 100.844 175.221 -19.5351 not valid computing image for point 99 158 130 = 97.5622 174.502 -20.8019 not valid computing image for point 95 158 130 = 93.0969 174.298 -21.0808 not valid computing image for point 91 158 129 = 88.6989 173.529 -22.4173 not valid computing image for point 87 158 129 = 84.2336 173.325 -22.6962 not valid computing image for point 85 158 128 = 82.0682 172.657 -23.8933 not valid computing image for point 81 158 128 = 77.6029 172.453 -24.1722 not valid computing image for point 77 159 128 = 73.1271 173.335 -24.9189 not valid computing image for point 74 159 128 = 69.7781 173.182 -25.1281 not valid computing image for point 70 159 128 = 65.3128 172.978 -25.407 not valid computing image for point 68 159 127 = 63.1474 172.31 -26.6041 not valid computing image for point 64 159 126 = 58.7494 171.541 -27.9406 not valid computing image for point 107 159 113 = 107.626 166.379 -38.692 not valid computing image for point 104 159 112 = 104.344 165.66 -39.9588 not valid computing image for point 101 159 112 = 100.995 165.507 -40.168 not valid computing image for point 97 159 111 = 96.597 164.737 -41.5045 not valid computing image for point 93 159 112 = 92.0645 165.099 -40.7258 not valid computing image for point 90 159 111 = 88.7828 164.38 -41.9926 not valid computing image for point 86 159 111 = 84.3175 164.177 -42.2715 not valid computing image for point 83 159 110 = 81.0358 163.458 -43.5383 not valid computing image for point 80 159 110 = 77.6868 163.305 -43.7475 not valid computing image for point 76 159 110 = 73.2215 163.101 -44.0264 not valid computing image for point 72 159 110 = 68.7562 162.897 -44.3053 not valid computing image for point 70 159 109 = 66.5909 162.229 -45.5024 not valid computing image for point 66 159 108 = 62.1929 161.46 -46.8389 not valid computing image for point 63 159 108 = 58.8439 161.307 -47.0481 not valid Computed image point 130.881 159.835 48.9774 Computed image point 133.607 160.851 48.71 Computed image point 135.946 162.356 47.661 Computed image point 139.09 162.775 46.8734 Computed image point 140.297 163.009 46.2098 Computed image point 142.3 161.281 44.3398 Computed image point 145.84 161.603 42.0473 Computed image point 147.368 159.362 42.2778 Computed image point 152.428 159.408 41.8632 Computed image point 154.842 157.229 40.359 Computed image point 159.988 156.492 41.0982 Computed image point 167.409 154.575 42.0068 Computed image point 174.403 155.768 43.8384 Computed image point 177.166 155.691 44.0198 Computed image point 129.922 164.841 51.8364 Computed image point 134.632 164 53.0312 Computed image point 136.759 164.935 54.4396 Computed image point 138.824 165.956 51.7842 Computed image point 140.943 164.89 50.5941 Computed image point 142.655 162.795 50.3766 Computed image point 146.188 161.687 50.2295 Computed image point 152.797 160.582 50.1051 Computed image point 153.284 159.745 48.5842 Computed image point 159.225 156.275 46.775 Computed image point 165.496 154.288 46.7171 Computed image point 171.434 150.812 46.8667 Computed image point 130.602 123.757 2.28372 Computed image point 132.657 122.529 2.8569 Computed image point 137.256 122.647 3.15639 Computed image point 139.569 121.95 5.38376 Computed image point 142.451 122.084 5.83202 Computed image point 145.114 120.873 7.05031 Computed image point 147.037 120.978 7.60215 Computed image point 149.259 120.297 10.7982 Computed image point 151.233 121.722 10.8858 Computed image point 153.359 120.351 13.0719 Computed image point 155.425 119.57 17.1487 Computed image point 157.149 121.151 17.8223 Computed image point 159.13 121.461 18.9834 Computed image point 162.404 120.604 21.2537 Computed image point 136.051 95.5479 -1.96345 Computed image point 139.4 95.7008 -1.75428 Computed image point 143.788 97.5558 -0.88557 Computed image point 147.137 97.7087 -0.6764 Computed image point 151.535 98.4783 0.660144 Computed image point 154.873 99.7166 0.401483 Computed image point 159.338 99.9205 0.680377 Computed image point 162.542 102.29 2.53702 Computed image point 167.008 102.494 2.81591 Computed image point 171.395 104.349 3.68462 Computed image point 173.638 103.366 4.2919 Computed image point 178.093 104.655 4.10296 Computed image point 182.558 104.859 4.38186 Computed image point 187.024 105.063 4.66075 Computed image point 137.8 165.431 11.2298 Computed image point 140.053 163.362 12.305 Computed image point 142.385 159.642 12.7902 Computed image point 143.533 156.437 14.2635 Computed image point 144.748 152.666 14.679 Computed image point 143.309 145.999 -3.64764 Computed image point 145.121 141.529 -3.65274 Computed image point 145.895 138.953 -3.5807 Computed image point 146.847 134.406 -3.56003 Computed image point 147.56 131.788 -3.36578 Computed image point 148.4 127.276 -3.13 Computed image point 148.981 124.631 -2.39035 Computed image point 150.407 120.145 -1.75338 Computed image point 150.998 115.568 -1.0397 Computed image point 151.68 112.325 -0.674474 Computed image point 152.45 107.967 1.72525 Computed image point 145.476 179.897 5.63611 Computed image point 148.96 178.918 3.72998 Computed image point 153.425 179.122 4.00887 Computed image point 156.707 179.841 5.27569 Computed image point 159.999 179.474 7.01034 Computed image point 164.464 179.678 7.28923 Computed image point 168.93 179.882 7.56813 Computed image point 172.346 179.469 6.71965 Computed image point 176.744 180.239 8.05619 Computed image point 180.103 179.306 8.73319 Computed image point 183.452 179.459 8.94236 Computed image point 187.918 179.663 9.22126 Computed image point 148.608 176.42 -10.9029 Computed image point 153.063 177.709 -11.0918 Computed image point 156.423 176.777 -10.4148 Computed image point 159.772 176.93 -10.2056 Computed image point 164.237 177.134 -9.92675 Computed image point 167.586 177.287 -9.71758 Computed image point 172.051 177.491 -9.43868 Computed image point 176.527 176.609 -8.69196 Computed image point 181.013 174.642 -7.4774 Computed image point 184.362 174.795 -7.26823 Computed image point 188.771 174.48 -5.46386 Computed image point 190.936 175.147 -4.26676 Computed image point 151.818 171.292 -28.0317 Computed image point 155.178 170.36 -27.3547 Computed image point 160.749 171.7 -27.4739 Computed image point 163.07 169.066 -27.4564 Computed image point 167.535 169.27 -27.1775 Computed image point 172.078 167.823 -27.4885 Computed image point 175.427 167.975 -27.2793 Computed image point 179.97 166.528 -27.5902 Computed image point 183.309 167.767 -27.8489 Computed image point 187.785 166.885 -27.1022 Computed image point 191.134 167.038 -26.893 Computed image point 195.599 167.242 -26.6141 Computed image point 109.162 160.775 34.1574 Computed image point 105.629 161.13 32.8198 Computed image point 104.065 160.794 29.8431 Computed image point 101.245 160.722 29.0729 Computed image point 99.3541 160.71 28.8086 Computed image point 97.5758 159.691 26.886 Computed image point 96.1602 157.311 25.2255 Computed image point 94.5445 157.029 25.3677 Computed image point 93.3807 155.97 23.9477 Computed image point 91.4864 154.723 22.73 Computed image point 89.2752 154.299 23.3965 Computed image point 86.6756 154.565 25.685 Computed image point 106.485 165.677 53.5792 Computed image point 102.221 165.966 53.7515 Computed image point 100.39 166.443 55.1393 Computed image point 99.0081 166.718 54.6491 Computed image point 95.5373 165.239 52.3683 Computed image point 93.4939 163.296 51.1699 Computed image point 90.5296 161.12 49.5121 Computed image point 92.3594 157.249 47.6697 Computed image point 92.7311 158.944 47.9095 Computed image point 91.5857 158.36 47.0339 Computed image point 93.7978 151.437 45.2223 Computed image point 91.3165 150.531 45.4054 Computed image point 112.982 123.396 5.90744 Computed image point 111.053 123.249 5.70934 Computed image point 106.828 122.256 3.86287 Computed image point 104.797 118.843 3.47794 Computed image point 102.663 118.57 3.46022 Computed image point 99.7506 117.777 2.341 Computed image point 96.7199 117.025 1.54502 Computed image point 94.651 116.774 2.01279 Computed image point 92.5808 114.641 2.19245 Computed image point 90.4561 112.738 4.09428 Computed image point 88.3815 112 4.2304 Computed image point 85.7062 111.174 5.09489 Computed image point 83.4357 110.436 5.60522 Computed image point 82.1138 110.28 6.53095 Computed image point 118.85 103.604 0.997444 Computed image point 117.723 104.638 0.459889 Computed image point 114.374 104.486 0.250719 Computed image point 111.025 104.333 0.0415493 Computed image point 106.539 106.299 -1.17301 Computed image point 103.19 106.146 -1.38218 Computed image point 98.714 107.028 -2.1289 Computed image point 95.4217 107.394 -3.86355 Computed image point 92.0728 107.242 -4.07272 Computed image point 87.5969 108.123 -4.81945 Computed image point 83.1989 107.353 -6.15599 Computed image point 79.8499 107.2 -6.36516 Computed image point 76.501 107.047 -6.57433 Computed image point 70.8982 108.963 -7.85861 Computed image point 67.5386 109.896 -8.53561 Computed image point 64.1791 110.828 -9.21261 Computed image point 108.474 169.624 12.2441 Computed image point 106.419 164.049 11.8607 Computed image point 104.197 162.862 12.1891 Computed image point 102.141 157.287 11.8057 Computed image point 101.113 154.5 11.614 Computed image point 98.9687 151.662 11.3525 Computed image point 97.9408 148.874 11.1608 Computed image point 95.8072 144.951 11.3672 Computed image point 93.6842 139.942 12.0414 Computed image point 91.6072 136.538 10.7224 Computed image point 90.6111 130.494 11.9341 Computed image point 88.4668 127.656 11.6727 Computed image point 87.5168 123.218 10.8912 Computed image point 85.3937 118.209 11.5654 Computed image point 82.1332 115.319 11.2342 Computed image point 80.088 108.659 11.3187 Computed image point 103.474 179.426 -6.75609 Computed image point 100.203 177.622 -7.55508 Computed image point 95.7377 177.418 -7.83397 Computed image point 91.2724 177.214 -8.11286 Computed image point 87.9129 178.147 -8.78987 Computed image point 83.4476 177.943 -9.06876 Computed image point 80.1659 177.224 -10.3356 Computed image point 75.6333 177.586 -9.55682 Computed image point 71.3593 176.77 -13.4765 Computed image point 68.0103 176.617 -13.6857 Computed image point 63.545 176.413 -13.9646 Computed image point 61.3124 176.311 -14.104 Computed image point 100.844 175.221 -19.5351 Computed image point 97.5622 174.502 -20.8019 Computed image point 93.0969 174.298 -21.0808 Computed image point 88.6989 173.529 -22.4173 Computed image point 84.2336 173.325 -22.6962 Computed image point 82.0682 172.657 -23.8933 Computed image point 77.6029 172.453 -24.1722 Computed image point 73.1271 173.335 -24.9189 Computed image point 69.7781 173.182 -25.1281 Computed image point 65.3128 172.978 -25.407 Computed image point 63.1474 172.31 -26.6041 Computed image point 58.7494 171.541 -27.9406 Computed image point 107.626 166.379 -38.692 Computed image point 104.344 165.66 -39.9588 Computed image point 100.995 165.507 -40.168 Computed image point 96.597 164.737 -41.5045 Computed image point 92.0645 165.099 -40.7258 Computed image point 88.7828 164.38 -41.9926 Computed image point 84.3175 164.177 -42.2715 Computed image point 81.0358 163.458 -43.5383 Computed image point 77.6868 163.305 -43.7475 Computed image point 73.2215 163.101 -44.0264 Computed image point 68.7562 162.897 -44.3053 Computed image point 66.5909 162.229 -45.5024 Computed image point 62.1929 161.46 -46.8389 Computed image point 58.8439 161.307 -47.0481 #VMPC# fapplyMorph VmPeak 5551972
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