External Email - Use Caution Hi Freesurfer Developers,
I'm trying to map the vertices of a region (ex. caudal middle frontal) in one subject into the space of another subject (MNI) by using mri_label2label. I am using the freesurfer_dev/bin/mri_label2label.bin from freesurfer-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-dev5-20160513. For example, I have source Labels (aparc-lh-003_5thCol.label) , which are all in SurfaceRAS coordinates: #!ascii label , from subject FreeSurfer vox2ras=TkReg 8 104996 -35.679 16.281 25.156 1 104997 -36.480 16.439 25.362 2 104998 -37.443 16.702 25.369 3 105705 -41.554 16.840 28.930 4 105716 -40.445 17.153 28.046 5 105720 -39.570 17.200 26.959 6 131017 -29.315 12.915 45.422 7 131030 -31.304 12.514 46.455 8 By running this: /usr/local/freesurfer/freesurfer_dev/bin/mri_label2label.bin --srclabel aparc-lh-003_5thCol.label --srcsubject FreeSurfer --trglabel aparc-lh-003_5thCol_Reg2MNI.label --trgsubject FreeSurferMNI152 --regmethod surface --hemi lh I got mapped Labels(aparc-lh-003_5thCol_Reg2MNI.label) 119096 -39.670 37.222 12.833 3.0000000000 117433 -44.642 35.253 14.575 4.0000000000 118250 -43.206 35.844 14.273 5.0000000000 119091 -42.114 36.692 14.044 6.0000000000 120517 -26.436 38.614 21.780 7.0000000000 121236 -25.959 39.757 24.739 8.0000000000 121253 -26.213 39.504 23.711 8.0000000000 Could I ask if there is a way to make sure that every vertex in the source '.label' file mapped to one vertex in the target subject space? For example, first two vertex (104996 -35.679 16.281 25.156 1) and (104997 -36.480 16.439 25.362 2) have no corresponded vertex in the target subject space. Best, Hengda _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer