Your command looks right. Sometimes there can be some stretching or 
compression of the labels as it is transformed back to an individual, 
especially if it is very small. Can you send pics of what you are seeing?

On 11/27/2018 05:19 PM, Wang, Xiaoyu wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Freesurfer Experts,
> I am currently doing a Longitudinal LME comparison between early and 
> late onset Parkinson's Patients.
> After the Matlab analysis, I view the resulting sig.mgh file in 
> tksurfer and create a label based on regions that pass FDR 0.05.
> I then use the mri_label2label on the label I created to resample it 
> back onto my subject pool using the following loop.
> for i in `less ./list`
> do
> echo $i
> mri_label2label \
>   --srcsubject fsaverage \
>   --srclabel fsaverage/label/ReFront.label \
>   --trgsubject $i \
>   --trglabel $i/label/ReFront.label \
>   --hemi lh \
>   --regmethod surface \
> done
> However, the resulting labels have a different shape and surface area 
> from the one I first created, and the data I obtained from 
> mris_anatomical_stats conflicts with the results from LME.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Sincerely,
> Xiaoyu Wang
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