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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have multiple PET volumetric images in MNI standard space. I can average (or 
get the Tmean) of these images using fslmerge then fslmaths. I would like to do 
something similar on surfaces images.
I registered the images from native space to Freesurfer space using spmregister 
as follows:
spmregister ---s $subject -mov PET.nii.gz --reg reg.dat --o PET_T1.mgh

Then I used mris_preproc with the flag --mean to register the volumetric images 
to fsaverage, then concatenate the surfaces and average it as follows:
mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --projfrac 0.5 --iv PET_T1_subj1 
reg_subj1.dat --iv PET_T1_subj2 reg_subj2.dat . ...... .--iv PET_T1_subjN 
reg_subjN.dat --mean --o lh.mgh

the final output "lh.mgh" is an empty image. I am not sure what I am doing 
wrong here.
Any guidance to average the surfaces images in fsaverage would be highly 

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