External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FreeSurfer Developers,

I have the most recent version of FreeSurfer installed on a MacOS Mojave
(10.14) and as I was running recon-all, I received the following error

"Assertion failed at line 742 in file templates/CachedArray.cc
nu_estimate_np_and_em: crashed while running volume_stats (termination
nu_correct: crashed while running nu_estimate_np_and_em (termination
ERROR: nu_correct
Darwin Martas-MacBook-Pro.local 18.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.0.0: Wed
Aug 22 20:13:40 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4903.201.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

recon-all -s plc0061 exited with ERRORS at Tue Nov 20 22:32:15 EST 2018"

I reviewed many threads on the same error message, but none of them were
solved. I have the same version of FreeSurfer on two other MacBooks (with
older versions of iOS) and both work fine. I ran fixup_mni_paths as it was
suggested on multiple threads and nu_correct, as well and I got the
following message:

nu_correct, version 1.12.0
Usage: nu_correct [-help] [options] in.mnc out.mnc"

Any thoughts on what the problem might be and how it could be fixed? Could
this be an iOS compatibility issue?

*Marta Korom  |  *PhD Candidate
University of Delaware, Clinical Science
e-mail: mko...@udel.edu
phone: 646 861 8461
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