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Dear FreeSurfer experts,

I have created a custom measure on the pial surface of a number of subjects, 
and I would like to map the data to the fsaverage subject. (By custom measure I 
mean something like 'area' or 'curv', i.e., one scalar value per surface 

I have already done the same for the white surfaces, and it was pretty 
1) Save the per-vertex data in a curv-format file in 
2) Run 'recon-all -s <subject> -qcache -measure <measure>'

This will map the data to fsaverage and create files named 
?h.<measure>.fwhm<n>.fsaverage.mgh in the surf/ directories as expected (where 
<n> is 0, 5, .., 25).

My question is: how can I do the same for my data from the pial surface? Are 
there any command line options for 'recon-all' (or maybe for mris_preproc) that 
can do this?

I already tried to put the pial per-vertex data into files named 
SUBJECTS_DIR/<subject>/surf/?h.pial.<measure>, but they are not handled by the 
recon-all command listed above: no fsaverage files show up for them.

Thanks in advance,


Dr. Tim Schäfer
Postdoc Computational Neuroimaging
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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