External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Joel,

you need to find the corresponding voxel ( using ras2vox transformation
matrix) and then apply your vox2ras-tkr matrix to it. it would give you the
tkrRAS coordinate.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 12:40 PM Bruss, Joel E <joel-br...@uiowa.edu> wrote:

>         External Email - Use Caution
> If I load, say, orig.mgz and lh.pial, in FreeView and lay my cursor on a
> point, I can see  RAS (and surfaceRAS) as well as TKReg RAS (orig)
> coordinates.  Following the steps laid out on the CoordinateSystems
> web page I can convert back and forth between those coordinate systems.
> However, I can't figure out what I need to do to calculate the Vertex
> coordinates.  I can load lh.pial in matlab and see the (+1) vertex number
> and coordinates, but I'd like to figure out the best way to get from Vertex
> x/y/z to TkReg RAS or SurfaceRAS.  Is there an easy formula to calculate
> this?  Thanks in advance for any and all responses.
> -Joel
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