Neither the aparc nor the aparc.DKTatlas have corpus callosum labeled. 
It is labled in the aseg.mgz though

On 08/27/2018 10:24 AM, Ali,Mohamed Tarek Mohamed wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
> While I am using [vec,labels,cnames] = 
> read_annotation('lh.aparc.annot'), I am getting values in labels which 
> are not found in cnames.table(:,5). These values are 0. I assigned the 
> values to the unknown area. However, when I looked at the number of 
> vertices per brain regions I found that corpuscallosum has no vertices 
> in the DK atlas.
> This is my first week using a neuroimaging software and Freesurfer is 
> my first software to work on, so I just don't know if that's ok or if 
> there is something wrong.
> I am attaching the output of a python code I wrote to count the number 
> of vertices per brain region in the left hemisphere of a structural 
> MRI image from our dataset.
> Thanks in advance,
> *Mohamed T. Ali*
> *Ph.D. student,
> Bioengineering,*
> *University of Louisville.*
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