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Hi!I'am a student of medicine in Foggia,Italy.To elaborate a single .nii
file for a single subjects i use "recon-all -i (name of .nii file) -s (name
of subjects) -all -openmp 8(i have 8 core)"and to finish the work is
necessary 8 hours.

Now i want elaborate 10 .nii file for 10 subjects(a file for each
subject).Is better to open 10 terminal and use the command recon-all in
each terminal without -openmp,or with -openmp?Or to use this,Now i open 10
terminal BUT for every terminal i use the command Taskset to assign every
terminal to a core of my cpus(2 core is busy with 2 recon-all....)

Wich is the best way to finish the work more rapidly?

Sorry for my bad english and i hope for a reply.Thanks

Morciano Ottavio

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