Hi Bruce,

     I am sorry for this situation. 
     In the first way, there was an statistical difference in left hippocampus, 
but no difference in right hippocampus. In the second way, there was both no 
statistical difference in left or right  hippocampus. I don't know what causes 
this result. 
     Can you understand me this time?


At 2017-11-18 22:58:56, "Bruce Fischl" <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>Hi Zheng
>no difference between what and what?
>On Fri, 17 Nov 2017, 郑凤莲 wrote:
>> Hi professor,
>>     I am using Freesurfer for DTI data. When I run 'mri_segstats',  I got 
>> the result that there was
>> an obvious difference in left hippocampus, but no difference in right 
>> hippocampus. Then, I run
>> segmentation of hippocampus subfields. The result showed there is no 
>> difference in total left or
>> right hippocampus, and only in two right hippocampus subfields has 
>> significant difference. Why is
>> there inconsistent result in two means? 
>>     Thank you very much.
>> Sincerely,
>> Zheng
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