Got it, thanks! I have already performed smoothing on the MGX surfaces so I’d 
like to proceed with mri_surf2vol.

According to the “hidden secrets of success” for mri_surf2vol, there are 2 
methods.  Is the command below correct?

mri_surf2vol --so lh.bp.nii.gz (the PET surface BPNDs) --so rh.bp.nii.gz 
--subject fsaverage --o 

The next step is to bring the volumes into CVS-MNI152 space. Mri_cvs_register 
has been done on the T1.

Thanks Doug.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Elijah Mak, Research Associate
Department of Psychiatry
Old Age Psychiatry Group | Cambridge Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities 
Research Group
University of Cambridge
Trinity College, CB21TQ, UK

> On 16 Oct 2017, at 16:08, Douglas Greve <> wrote:
> it comes down to have you smooth it. If you do it in the volume, then 
> you need to smooth it in the volume, and that is an invalid analysis 
> with MG.
> On 10/13/17 8:42 PM, Elijah Mak wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> I wonder what is the difference between this approach (mri_surf2vol) as 
>> opposed to doing the MRTM2 modelling on the MGX GM output (58 frames), which 
>> will give us the bp.nii.gz in volume space?
>> Thanks.
>> Best Wishes,
>> Elijah
>>> On 13 Oct 2017, at 16:19, Douglas Greve <> wrote:
>>> do you mean you want to map the surface-based data into the volume? If
>>> so, you can use mri_surf2vol. If you want to analyze your pet data in
>>> the volume you can just do that with mri_glmfit
>>> On 10/5/17 4:59 PM, Elijah Mak wrote:
>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>> Referring to the PETSURFER tutorial for dynamic PET data, I am wondering 
>>>> if it is possible to obtain a volume-based equivalent of 
>>>> mrtm2.lh.sm05/bp.nii.gz? As I understand, bp.nii.gz is the partial-volumed 
>>>> corrected output that has been sampled onto the fsaverage surface.
>>>> Thanks for your time again.
>>>> Best Wishes,
>>>> Elijah
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