Can you send me the file?
On 08/09/2017 04:17 AM, Suzanne Witt wrote:
> Hi.
> I am having a problem similar to that previously described on the freesurfer 
> message boards from May 2011 (Subject: mgh conversion).  Unfortunately, that 
> thread ends with Doug asking the person to send him the files in question, so 
> there does not appear to be any sort of publicly published solution.
> I was sent two .mgh files with the resulting activation maps from an fMRI 
> analysis (both left and right hemispheres) and told that the maps were in 
> fsaverage space.  I was not sent any other accompanying files.  I am trying 
> to convert them to nii format.
> I have tried both:
> 1. mri_convert filename.mgh filename.nii.gz
> and mri_surf2surf (as was suggested in the previous thread)
> 2. mri_surf2surf —sval filename.mgh —tval filename.nii —reshape 
> —reshape-factor 6 —s fsaverage —hemi lh
> (I realize that the command options should be preceded by double dashes, but 
> my email program is quite insistent about automatically formatting these to 
> long dashes.)
> In both cases the when checking the output file using mri_info, the 
> dimensions are still: 163842 x 1 x 1.
> Are there any suggestions as to how best to proceed?
> Thanks in advance,
> Suzanne Witt
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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