Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience

Boston Attention and Learning Lab, VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, MA

The BALLAB (www. <> at VA Boston is
looking for a neuroimaging post-doctoral fellow starting this coming fall,
2017. Broadly, the BALLAB uses a variety of cognitive neuroscience tools
(fMRI, EEG, TMS, psychophysics, cognitive training) to study attention and
visual cognition, as well as cognitive and brain dysfunction in Veterans
with psychiatric disorders. This specific position is funded by a VA grant
to use fMRI connectomicsto understand and predict cognitive, functional,
and clinical dysfunction in Veterans. Opportunities to work on a wide range
of projects and with collaborators at VA, Boston University, and Harvard
are ample, and new project development is welcome.

Ph.D. in experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, or
related field, as well as experience with programming and fMRI required.
Two years of funding are available. If interested, please contact Mike
Esterman (
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