Postdoctoral Position at Boston/Children’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School

The GaabLab (<> at the Laboratories of Cognitive 
Neuroscience at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School invites 
applications for a post-doctoral associate position in the area of 
developmental cognitive neuroscience/pediatric (f)MRI. The candidate will be 
expected to oversee the analysis of pediatric and infant (f)MRI experiments, 
analyze behavioral and (f)MRI data, develop new analysis tools, prepare 
manuscripts for publication, and participate in conferences. The current 
projects in the lab aim to characterize trajectories of early structural, 
functional and metabolic brain development in infants and young children. 
Participant populations include infants/young children who grow up in adverse 
environments, young children exposed to alcohol in uterus or children with a 
genetic or behavioral risk to develop language-based learning disabilities.  
The successful applicant should have a doctoral degree in a field related to 
developmental cognitive neuroscience (e.g., cognitive neuroscience, 
neuroscience, psychology, developmental psychology, medicine) or a background 
in electrical engineering, biomedical engineering or computer science. The 
successful applicant must possess excellent English verbal and written 
communication skills. Applicants are expected to have a very strong research 
background in the design and analysis of functional brain-imaging experiments. 
Experience with (f)MRI analyses programs (e.g., SPM, FSL, Freesurfer, AFNI) a 
must. Programming skills (MATLAB, C++; Python) are desirable and experience 
with MVPA or connectivity analyses a plus. Experience with the analysis of 
pediatric neuroimaging data sets and language and reading research are useful. 
Approximate start date is summer/ fall 2017. Successful applicants will be 
appointed at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School. For 
consideration please send a statement of interest, a CV and a list of three 
potential referees via email to Nadine Gaab, PhD 
The search will continue until the position is filled.

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would 
it?" A. Einstein (1879-1955)

Nadine Gaab, PhD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Department of Medicine/Division of Developmental Medicine
Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience
Mail stop code: BCH3178
1 Autumn Street (Office 643); Boston, MA 02115<>
phone: 857-218-3021<>
Twitter: Nadine Gaab (@GaabLab)

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