Hi all,

After running a bunch of subjects through FreeSurfer and making extensive 
manual edits to the white matter masks, we discovered that the data were 
left/right flipped during the dicom-to-nifti conversion process. I hope to 
maintain these manual edits while processing data in the proper orientation and 
running them through the rest of the pipeline. Is this possible to do?

An old thread from 10 years ago directed me to this page: 
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/LeftRightReversal that offered some 
tips on how to go about this. However, after confirming that the volume was 
reversed running recon-all -autorecon1 in a new directory, I encountered an 
error message:

> ERROR: talairach_afd: Talairach Transform: transforms/talairach.xfm 
> ***FAILED*** (p=0.0000, pval=0.0000 < threshold=0.0050)

This problem does not arise when running the same command on a copy of this 
subject’s non-flipped data.

Are there different steps that I should be following to rectify the problem? Or 
can you help me troubleshoot this error?


Dan Grupe, Ph.D.
Assistant Scientist
Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Center for Healthy Minds
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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