Dear Zhewei,
I think that the problem you report is caused by the fact, that .mat file from
FLIRT codes vox2vox transformation, so that cannot be applied to another
dataset (in your case fMRI) unless it has the same geometry as the original
image the .mat file was generated on.
Can you send your freeview command line and pictures of the mismatch?
On 2/9/17 5:58 PM, Zhewei Wang wrote:
Hi all,
I have a problem maybe relevant to the orientation of images in freeview. I
have two images, one is fMRI and one is MRI. They are produced from the same
machine at the same time. I loaded both of them in freeview and it showed they
are matched very well, even they have different resolutions, different
orientation (fMRI is LAS and MRI is PSR), different sform and qform. I
registrated MRI to MNI152, and a transformation matrix is generated. I apply
this matrix on fMRI, then I got the wrong result: I loaded the fMRI after
transformation and MNI152 in freeview, they are not matched. I use /flirt/ for
registration. Can anyone explain to me why it happened? At beginning they are
shown matched in freeview, even they have different orientation. After apply
same transformation, they are shown not matched in freeview even they have
same orientation now (both are LAS). Thank you so much.
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