Apologies, please ignore the other email response. I believe this should be
tagged to the right thread (hopefully!)

Many thanks for the information, Doug! I will give it a go.

Actually, I would like to carry out the following analyses:

Get regional estimates of perfusion within a region of interest as defined
by a significant cluster after mri_glmfit-sim. as well as other cortical
regions that are connected to that cluster in terms of WM paths. Is it
possible to do that in Freesurfer environment?

How can I do PVC for perfusion in  ROIs? Will the -pv ppvol flag be crucial
during the mri_segstats stage?

Thanks again for help.

Best Wishes,

Re: [Freesurfer] ASL processing in Freesurfer?

Douglas Greve
 Mon, 21 Nov 2016 12:31:41 -0800

No, not really. If you're not doing anything fancy (eg, just computing
mean of tag-control) and mapping to the surface, it is easy enough to do
(mri_concat --paired-diff --sum, then bbregister to register to the
anat, then mri_vol2surf or mris_preproc to map to fsaverage, then
mri_glmfit and mri_glmfti-sim. If you're trying to correct for decay,
intensity gradients, etc, then no.

On 11/21/16 1:40 PM, Foo Keat Mak wrote:
> Hi Freesurfer Team,
> Is there an ASL-friendly processing pipeline embedded in Freesurfer?
> Something like an equivalent to that of PetSurfer? Thanks.
> Best Wishes,
> Elijah
> Sent from my iPad
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