
Is it possible to avoid having Optseq repeat my events more than 3 times before 
inserting a NULL? In other words, I get sequences that look like ev1, ev5, ev4, 
ev2, ev6, NULL, etc. Ideally, I'd have Optseq limit event repetitions at 2-3 
followed by a NULL. I tried using "-repvar" but I don't really understand how 
to use it, or whether the function will help. I've provided my syntax below.

Thank you,


./optseq2 --tr 2 --ev SocialFear 8 6 --ev NonsocialFear 8 6 --ev SocialSad 8 6 
--ev NonsocialSad 8 6 --ev SocialNeutral 8 6 --ev NonsocialNeutral 8 6 --o 
SituatedNeuroscience --nkeep 30 --nsearch 10000 --psdwin 0 26 1 --ntp 180 
--repvar 8


Joseph C. Leshin

Ph.D. Student | Psychology & Neuroscience

Carolina Affective Science Lab<>

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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