Dear FreeSurfer Team,

I have an additional question about the ?h.sulc.

[mris_anatomical_stats can do this if you specify sulc as the "thickness"

your explaination means that
instead of the
mris_anatomical_stats -l <specific label> -t *lh.thickness* -b -f <output
values> <subjects> lh

I can use these command with change the -t option:
mris_anatomical_stats -l <specific label> -t *lh.sulc *-b -f <output
values> <subjects> lh

After then,
at the output values the header 5. thickAvg (Average Thickness) value can
show an average of sulcal depth vector value.

Is it correct understanding?

I appreciate your detailed explanation.

Best Regards,


On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Bruce Fischl <>

> 1. It is the signed dot product of the movement vector with the outwards
> pointing surface normal of the white matter surface during inflation.
> 2. Yes, because moving inwards for gyri the dot product is negative.
> 3. Yes, I think so, although I'm not sure I understand.
> 4. mris_anatomical_stats can do this if you specify sulc as the "thickness"
> file
>  On Mon, 26 Sep 2016, Hanbyul Cho wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer Team,
>> I have questions about the sulcal depth.
>> 1) I heard that the output/surf/?h.sulc is showing the sulcal depth.
>>   Is it correct that the sulcal depth measure unit is normalized z-score,
>> mm? And is
>> it correct that the (-) values of sulcal depth mean gyral region (green),
>> and (+)
>> values mean sulcal region (red)?
>> 2) I wonder if ?h.sulc is based on white matter surface or pial matter
>> surface.
>> 3) I analyzed the sulcal depth by vertex-level. if the results include
>> the sulc (-)
>> values region, Is it meaning that the gyral height?
>> 4) I wonder the method/commands for extracting the sulc value by
>> label-level.
>> 5) Could you let me know the recommended smoothing option if it possible?
>>  (e.g.
>> --fwhm-trg [N])
>> I appreciate your help.
>> Thank you.
>> Han Byul Cho
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