I’m having issues with the conversion of labels drawn in fsaverage to subject’s 
space (using mri_label2label).
I’ve manually drawn labels (V1-bins) in the fsaverage brain in both the left 
and right hemisphere that I want to convert to a subjects brain. I’ve 
successfully managed to do this for the left hemisphere of all the subjects, 
where the V1-bins converted from the fsaverage fall perfectly within subject 
specific V1. However, for the right hemisphere, the bins seem slightly 
misaligned for all the subjects (they’re usually a bit bigger than they should 
be). Any idea what could have caused this?!

Many thanks.


Hinke N. Halbertsma, MSc

PhD Student
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Department of Ophthalmology
NeuroImaging Center (Antonius Deusinglaan 2,  9713 AW Groningen), room 124
T. (+31) 050 363 4431
E. h.n.halbert...@umcg.nl<mailto:h.n.halbert...@umcg.nl>

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