Hi Doug,
   Ok this makes more sense now.  In my case if I choose abs I would look
at the max cdf < 0.05 for the corresponding cluster extent in the TH13

In terms of the |a-b|<0,05 does this mean that if I got results in blue it
just means significant but with no directionality as to if A > B or B>A?  I
guess with the blue and red color bars I thought directionality was

Or would one need to do a subsequent one tailed test (Pos A>B; Neg B>A)d in
order to determine directionality of thickness results?


On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com>

> Hi Doug,
>    Thanks for the explanation. In using p=0.05 with my thickness files
> (smoothed 15mm translates to FWHM=21mm), I looked at fwhm21/abs/th13/ cdf
> file.
>  In regards to Qdec , if I choose abs, does the p=0.05/1.3 option mean the
> overall alpha (ie 2.5% for A>B, 2.5% for B>A ) or is it the alpha per tail
> (5% A>B, 5% B>A)?  Would I look at the max cdf 0.05 which is a cluster size
> of 1302 or would I look at max cdf <0.1 which is 1109?  This relates to the
> first question of if 0.05 relates to the overall probability or per tail.
> Also is there a T/Z threshold applied?  I initially thought that T or
> Z=1.3 is the threshold but in looking at tutorials I see that may be
> related to the color scale -log(0.05), so I am not sure if there is a
> minimum T/Z value to be included in the cluster or if I was correct at 1.3
> is the threshold value (T or Z score or something else)?.
> Thanks,
> Ajay
> On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 7:33 PM, Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>>    Thanks for the explanation. In using p=0.05 with my thickness files
>> (smoothed 15mm translates to FWHM=21mm), I looked at fwhm21/abs/th13/ cdf
>> file.
>>  In regards to Qdec , if I choose abs, does the p=0.05/1.3 option mean
>> the overall alpha (ie 2.5% for A>B, 2.5% for B>A ) or is it the alpha per
>> tail (5% A>B, 5% B>A)?  Would I look at the max cdf 0.05 which is a cluster
>> size of 1302 or would I look at max cdf <0.1 which is 1109?  This relates
>> to the first question of if 0.05 relates to the overall probability or per
>> tail.
>> Also is there a T/Z threshold applied to these clusters or just
>> cluster-extent is used?  In looking at the tutorials I see that 1.3 really
>> is -log(0.05) so I do not think this relates to any sort of T or Z
>> threshold but I just wanted to verify.
>> Thanks,
>> Ajay
>> Also, when smoothed at 15mm the estimated smoothness was around 21mm.
>> When lo
>> On Friday, May 6, 2016, Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Doug,
>>>    I wanted to figure out what is the minimum cluster extent for a given
>>> monte carlo simulation (ie when you choose p=0.5/T=1.3).  I saw the
>>> following tutorial :
>>> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BuildYourOwnMonteCarlo and so
>>> I wanted to know if freesurfer estimates the smoothness for each subject's
>>> cortical thickness for a hemisphere and then chooses the corresponding fwhm
>>> folder or if by choosing lh 15mm in qdec the clusterwise values are taken
>>> from the 15mm folder?  Is the smoothness based on the smoothing kernel used
>>> or the inherent smoothness of that particular measure (ie measuring the
>>> smoothness of the input thicknesss image)?  Is there a way to see what
>>> cluster minimum is used?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ajay
>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>>    Thanks for the clarification.  So in the case of cortical thickness,
>>>> qcache, mris_fwhm or mri_surf2surf would all do the same thing and so I
>>>> should be getting similar results if everything is entered in the same
>>>> fashion.  This would be the approriate choice compared to mri_smooth.
>>>> For mri_surf2surf I used the following command for smoothing LGI and
>>>> cortical thickness and converting to .gii files.
>>>> mris_surf2surf --prune --s fsaverage --hemi rh --fwhm 15 --sval
>>>> rh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh --tval rh.thickness.fwhm15.mgz --cortex
>>>> mris_convert -c rh.thickness.fwhm15.mgz
>>>> $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/surf/rh.white rh.thickness.fwhm15.gii
>>>> 1) For cortical thickness does it make sense to use the --cortex option
>>>> or should I specify a mask of some type (if so which) in mris_surf2surf?
>>>> 2) For converting files to .gii should I be using rh.white as the
>>>> option or should it be rh.pial?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Ajay
>>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>>>    Thanks for the quick reply.
>>>>> Is there a difference  from qcache/mris_fwhm with mris_smooth and
>>>>> mri_surf2surf -fwhm ?  If so,  which is recommended for cortical thickness
>>>>> analysis?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ajay
>>>>> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 11:18 PM, Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Freesurfer Experts,
>>>>>>    Just as a followup through my reading i've come across posts which
>>>>>> use qcache, mris_fwhm, mri_surf2surf or mris_smooth for smoothing.  For 
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> cortical thickness analysis I would like to smooth all of my
>>>>>> rh/lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh files for each subject in order to run a
>>>>>> group analysis.  After finding regions of difference, I would then like 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> use the ROI to extract each individual's mean thickness in the ROI in 
>>>>>> order
>>>>>> to run a correlation with other measures.  Based on this, I assume it 
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> make sense to use smoothed data to identify the ROI and then use 
>>>>>> unsmoothed
>>>>>> data for extracting actual thickness measures (does 
>>>>>> lh.thickness.fsaverage
>>>>>> contain the original thickness or warped thickness values).
>>>>>> I am unsure which smoothing is the most accurate or preferred.  In
>>>>>> using qcache the smoothness of the images do not seem to reach the filter
>>>>>> level (based on the earlier email) so I am not sure if there is a
>>>>>> freesurfer tool to check the smoothness level or if the qcache smoothness
>>>>>> levels make sense for cortical thickness.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Ajay
>>>>>> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Freesurfer Experts,
>>>>>>>    I am trying to understand the difference between qcache option
>>>>>>> and mris_fwhm and which is appropriate for a cortical thickness 
>>>>>>> analysis.
>>>>>>> I processed my  files with qcache and have
>>>>>>> lh.thickness.fsaverage.fwhm15.gii (converted) files.  I used an afni 
>>>>>>> tool
>>>>>>> SurfFWHM to estimate the smoothness of a subject at when looking at the
>>>>>>> fwhm0 image it iwas 5.5 and for 10, 15 and 20mm it was approximately
>>>>>>> 9.3-9.9 smoothness level.
>>>>>>> I also used mris_fwhm --hemi lh --s fsaverage --smooth-only --i
>>>>>>> lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgz --fwhm 15 --cortex --o test_15.gii  and when
>>>>>>> using SurfFWHM on the smae subject the smoothness was estimated at 
>>>>>>> 11.25.
>>>>>>> 1) I am not sure if the qcache or the mris_fwhm file is more
>>>>>>> appropriate to use for a cortical thickness analysis.
>>>>>>> 2) For qdec if I select the 15mm  option does it assume the
>>>>>>> smoothness is 15mm when calculating monte carlo corrections?  Would 
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>> be a different way to estimate this since my smoothness at 15mm is 
>>>>>>> closer
>>>>>>> to 10mm?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Ajay
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