On 02/20/2016 01:22 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Marta
> A 2D surface (like the cortical white or pial models) has two 
> principal curvatures at each point - one in the direction of maximum 
> curvature and one in the direction of minimum curvature - typically 
> denoted k1 and k2. The mean curvature is the average of these 
> H=(k1+k2)/2 and the Gaussian curvature is the product of them K=(k1 * 
> k2).  So, MeanCurv is the integral of the absolute value of H and 
> GausCurv is the integral of the absolute value of K. FoldInd and 
> CurvInd are two indices proposed by David Van Essen in a paper from 
> years ago that we also compute. Sorry, I don't have the right 
> reference handy, perhaps someone else on the list does?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2016, Karas, Marta wrote:
>> H!
>> I am working with data which is an output from the FreeSurfer 
>> processing.
>> I would like to kindly ask you to refer me to materials / precise
>> "mathematical" definitions that could help to understand what are the
>> following parameters:
>>  *  ​MeanCurv - Integrated Rectified Mean Curvature,
>>  *  GausCurv - Integrated Rectified Gaussian Curvature,
>>  *  FoldInd - Folding Index,
>>  *  CurvInd - Intrinsic Curvature Index.
>> (I have been trying to google but not been successful, unfortunately.)
>> Kind regards,
>> Marta Karas, M.S.
>> Research Assistant, Department of Biostatistics
>> Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health and School of Medicine
>> Indiana University
>> tel: 317-665-4551
>> email:
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