Dear FreeSurfer Users, I sent an email to this maillist a couple of weeks ago asking help for the error that I encountered after running 'recon-all -s ${Mysubject} -hippocampal-subfields-T1' with freesurfer 6. The content of this email is attached below. Since then, my colleague and I have been working on figuring out where the error is from, but we got two more questions here:
First, is it possible that we can set the tmpdir to /tmp or something else globally? How can I do this? Second, is it possible to fix test for '-e/scratch' to test for '-dw/scratch', which is a directory writable by current user? Any comments and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance! Fengji Previous email: I was trying to segment hippocampal subfields using FreeSurfer 6 with data that have already undergone the FreeSurfer 5 pipeline recon-all -all. According to the usage described on the webpage of HippocampalSubfields (, I ran the command: recon-all -s ${Mysubject} -hippocampal-subfields-T1 Then the following errors occurred. It seems that the program 'segmentSubjectT1_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 113)' was trying to make a directory in a Read-only place. But the error message did not indicate where this place was. I have tried to look codes in 'run_" . But it does not have this information either. As segmentSubjectT1_autoEstimateAlveusML is a binary file, I could not dig out any more info. Does anyone know how to solve this error? Or know where the program was trying to mkdir? Here begins the error message: hippocampus:/<2>hippocampus/HMN/data/FG_Temp: #-------------------------------------------- #@# Hippocampal Subfields processing (T1 only) left Wed Nov 18 21:57:45 EST 2015 ------------------------------------------ Setting up environment variables --- LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/runtime/glnxa64:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/bin/glnxa64:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/os/glnxa64:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/server:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/client:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64:/cell_root/software/gsl/current/sys/lib:/cell_root/software/fastx/current/lib/fastx_server/lib Warning: application is running on a locale different from the original platform locale. Error using mkdir Read-only file system Error in segmentSubjectT1_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 113) MATLAB:MKDIR:OSError #-------------------------------------------- #@# Hippocampal Subfields processing (T1 only) right Wed Nov 18 21:57:50 EST 2015 ------------------------------------------ Setting up environment variables --- LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/runtime/glnxa64:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/bin/glnxa64:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/os/glnxa64:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/server:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/client:/cell_root/software/freesurfer/dev/sys/MCRv80/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64:/cell_root/software/gsl/current/sys/lib:/cell_root/software/fastx/current/lib/fastx_server/lib Warning: application is running on a locale different from the original platform locale. Error using mkdir Read-only file system Error in segmentSubjectT1_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 113) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Fengji
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