Run recon-all on the mni152 T1 template that comes with SPM, project 
your VBM results to the surface of that (mri_vol2surf), binarize it if 
not already (mri_binarize), create a surface label (mri_cor2label with 
--surf option and --id 1), then use mri_label2label to map it to each 
subject, then use mris_anatomical_stats to compute summaries of 
thickness within your label.


On 09/04/2015 10:59 AM, Lim, Lena wrote:
> Thanks, Bruce. I ran the recon-all for all subjects before and then 
> did the group analysis using the mri-glmfit command and qdec. Sorry, I 
> don’t quite understand. What exact command do I use?
> Mri_label2label --srcsubject fsaverage --srclabel fsaverage/label/(spm 
> roi image file names?)  --trgsubject PAC01 PAC02 PAC03…PAC70 –trglabel 
> PAC01 PAC02.. PAC70/label/(spm roi image file names?)  --hemi lh 
> –regmethod surface
> How do I next do the group comparison on the ROI?
> Many thanks again,
> Lena
> *From:* 
> [] *On Behalf Of *Bruce 
> Fischl
> *Sent:* 04 September 2015 15:25
> *To:* Freesurfer support list
> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer ROI
> Hi Lena
> Sure, but you will need to run all your subjects through recon-all 
> first. The if the ROI is in MNI space you can use mri_label2label to 
> map it to our group space fsaverage.
> Cheers
> Bruce
> On Sep 4, 2015, at 9:27 AM, Lim, Lena < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Sorry, I haven’t heard any replies so am re-posting this again for
>     help please:
>     Dear Experts,
>     I have 3 groups: A, PC, HC
>     I did a VBM analysis in SPM and found group differences in grey
>     matter volume in 2 clusters:
>     1) Bilateral pre-/SMA, left middle/superior frontal gryi
>     2) left inferior/middle temporal/fusiform/inferior/middle
>     occipital gyri/superior/inferior posterior cerebellar lobe
>     Is there any way I can use the SPM images to extract these ROI
>     regions to see if they differ in cortical thickness and surface
>     area please?
>     Many thanks,
>     Lena
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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