Hi Stefano, sorry for the delay, I was traveling. It sounds like you 
just need to run fcseed-config and specify -seg ROI_MASK.mgz and -segid 
1 (assuming your ROI_MASK is in $SUBJECTS_DIR/subject/mri). If the mask 
is in the orig.mgz space, then everything should work ok, but you can 
look at it with

tkmedit -f orig.mgz -aux ROI_MASK.mgz

You can also run

mri_label2vol --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/subject/mri/ROI_MASK.mgz --reg 
register.dof6.dat --temp template.nii.gz --fillthresh 0.5 --o 

where template.nii.gz  and register.dof6.dat are in the functional run 

On 06/12/2015 04:39 PM, std...@virgilio.it wrote:
> Hi list,
> I working on the combination of MRS and FS-FAST analysis.
> I have extracted the grey matter within voxel (I will call it 
> "ROI_MASK") by using FSL tools and now it is in the same space of 
> orig.mgz (the roi mask is perfectly overlapped on orig.nii.gz when I 
> use fslview).
> I'd like to import it to FS for performing seed-based FS-FAST 
> functional connectivity.
> The seed should the ROI MASK (GM within voxel).
> I know that the FSL and FS operate in different space and orientation.
> I think to have resolved the problem of different space by using 
> orig.nii.gz to create ROI mask by FSL.
> However, I'm strongly worried for orientation issues.
> I have read the guidelines in FSL and FS sites, but I'm quite confused.
> In detail, I'd like to ask whether I should use "mri_cor2label" to 
> transform ROI mask created by FSL to label.
> Furthmore, I'd like to be sure of the position of the ROI. How can I 
> visualize it to be sure that the seed of my FS-FAST analysis is 
> effectively the my ROI_MASK?
> I hope in your help.
> Thanks in advanced.
> Stefano
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