Hi Xiaofu - As I said earlier, it is impossible for us to troubleshoot problems with every single type of cluster, especially a type we don't have. You'll have to troubleshoot it with your cluster admin, or try to run bedpostx on a stand-alone computer. About your other questions:

1. Currently there is no option to have a different set of b-values for each subject. Are you using a different scanning protocol for different subjects?

2. The fact that you mention the nb0 variable tells me that you don't have the latest version of freesurfer. It is highly recommended that you run tracula from the 5.3 version of freesurfer, after also downloading the tracula update posted here:
In the newer version, there is no nb0 variable, the program figures it out from the b-value file. But again, it is not ideal to have a different number of b=0 images for each subject.


On Tue, 26 May 2015, Xiaofu wrote:

Dear Anastasia,
  Thanks for your answer. I tried to replace 'bedpostx_mgh' with 'bedpostx'
in the shell file 'tract-all' in order to run Tracula in the C2B2 server
(Titan cluster). But it failed as well. Is there anyway to run Tracula,
i.e., by pass the running error of bedpostx_mgh?
   Besides, I have two more questions when I set up a configuration file. 
  1) In the step9 of Tracula tutorial
(https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/Tracula), i.e.,
Specify the b-value table, I can only set bvalfile to specify the location
of the b-value table. Can I specify a different b value file for each of the
scans in the study (with bvallist,for example) besides a single b value file
for all scans in the study (with bvalfile).
  2) About the number of low-b images.
    Since I will use 4D nifty images instead of raw DICOMs, I need to set
the number of low-b images in the configuration file, i.e., set nb0.  Can I
specify a different nb0 value for each of the scans in the study (with
nb0list,for example) besides a single nb0 value for all scans in the study.

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Anastasia Yendiki
<ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

      Hi Xiaofu - The bedpostx program is not configured to run on any
      type of cluster with any type of queueing software. It was
      originally written to be run on an SGE cluster with specific
      queue names. The bedpostx_mgh is a modified version that also
      works on our PBS cluster. Making it work on additional clusters
      would require additional tweaks, and it's impossible for us to
      make it work on everyone's cluster.

      In a future version, I'd like to give the option to simply print
      out all the necessary commands, and then it would be up to the
      user to figure out how to submit them as jobs on their own
      cluster. This is not implemented yet.


      On Tue, 19 May 2015, Xiaofu wrote:

            Dear Sir/Madam,  I tried to run Tracula in the C2B2
            server at Columbia University. However, I got the
            following error message
            after submitted my job using qsub to the sever. I'd
            greatly appreciate it if you could help me resolve
            this problem.

            WARN: Running FSL's bedbost locally - this might
            take a while
            WARN: It is recommended to run this step on a
            bedpostx_mgh -n 2 /DTIdata/Tracula/3789/dmri
            subjectdir is /DTIdata/Tracula/3789/dmri
            Making bedpostx directory structure
            Queuing preprocessing stages
            Unable to run job: Job was rejected because job
            requests unknown queue "short.q".
            Queuing parallel processing stage
            Unable to run job: Job was rejected because job
            requests unknown queue "long.q".
            Queuing post processing stage
            Unable to run job: Job was rejected because job
            requests unknown queue "long.q".

            Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very



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