If I use mri_concat instead of isxconcat-sess, will I have all the
necessary files for fixed-effects averaging by mri_glmfit?
Specifically, can I generate cesvar.nii for --yffxvar and ffxdof.dat
for --ffxdofdat in mri_glmfit?


I put it here:


If you just want to concatenate the vertex values, then just do
something like

mri_concat --o output.nii.gz sess1/bold/analysis/contrast/ces.nii.gz
sess2/bold/analysis/contrast/ces.nii.gz ...

On Monday, April 27, 2015, Reza Rajimehr <rajim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Doug! Could you put the updated isxconcat-sess script in an ftp server 
> and provide a link so that I can download it? I do not have access to the dev 
> environment.
> Now I should run the command with the flag -trgsubject F99, right?
> My analysis is on the surface, and I only want to concatenate the vertex 
> values. I have an orig.mgz file in the mri subdirectory of F99, but I hope 
> isxconcat-sess does not ask for additional volume files.
> Best,
> Reza
> I just fixed this for the dev environment. Try running it from there.
> Though I think this is just the start of the problems.
> doug
> On Monday, April 27, 2015, Reza Rajimehr <rajim...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','rajim...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to use isxconcat-sess for averaging functional data across
>> two monkeys. The data in two monkeys have been analyzed on a common surface
>> (F99). When I run this:
>> isxconcat-sess -sf MonkeysList.txt -analysis movie2.task.rh
>> -all-contrasts -o group2
>> I get an error:
>> ERROR: cannot find
>> /home/reza/Data/structurals//fsaverage/mri.2mm/subcort.mask.mgz
>> Even when I add -trgsubject F99 to the command, I get the same error.
>> How can I tell isxconcat-sess not to use fsaverage?
>> I am using Freesurfer v5.3 stable.
>> Thanks,
>> Reza
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