Dear professor Bruce!

Thank you so much for your help, it help me a lot! I have a silly question,
sorry for that, I'm using the Freesurfer to extract the hippocampal volume
of two different groups. Right using this two commands:

"recon-all -s ----- -i  followed by"recon-all -s ------all"

Is taking like a day of processing for just one patient. Is there any
faster way as I'm only interested on the hippocampal volume?

Once again thank you for your help!

Best regards; Cecilio.

2015-04-25 22:10 GMT+08:00 Bruce Fischl <>:

> Hi Cecilio
> what do you mean "224 scans"? I assume you mean 224 slices in each scan?
> And do you have two different runs of the same scan type (e.g. mprage) for
> each subject? You can try:
> mri_info /home/cecilio/Desktop/freesurfer/Test/Pat1/81334010
> and
> freeview /home/cecilio/Desktop/freesurfer/Test/Pat1/81334010
> to find out the scan parameters and also visualize it.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Sat, 25 Apr 2015, Cecilio C Baro Perez wrote:
>  Hi Bruce!
>> Thank you for your quick replay! I appreciate that! Well my data is T1
>> dicom
>> images. And For every subject I have 224 scans. Though as I'm using
>> freesurfer I'm trying by only using 2 of 224 scans. Please correct me if
>> I'm
>> wrong:
>> File name: Pat1
>> Number of scans in Pat1: 2 (81334010 and 81334011)
>> On terminal:
>> Input command:
>>     1. recon-all -s Patient1 -i
>> /home/cecilio/Desktop/freesurfer/Test/Pat1/81334010 (this is executed free
>> from errors)
>>     2. recon-all -s Patient1 -all
>> My error becomes:
>> #@# Talairach Failure Detection Сб. апр. 25 18:25:07 CST 2015
>> recon-all -s Patient1 exited with ERRORS at Сб. апр. 25 18:25:32 CST 2015
>> Besides if I try to use the tkmedit I get this following:
>>   Tkmedit couldn't read the volume you specified.
>>   This could be because the image format wasn't recognized,
>>   or it couldn't find the proper header,
>>   or the file(s) were unreadable,
>>   or it was the wrong size.
>> Please do you possibly know how to go around this problem.
>> Thank you in advance!
>> Best regards; Cecilio.
>> 2015-04-24 21:20 GMT+08:00 Bruce Fischl <>:
>>       Hi Cecilio
>>       this means that the automatic checking determined that the
>>       Talairach transform to be very unlikely and probably a failure.
>>       What was your input data? If you bring it up in tkmedit or
>>       freeview do the directions on the screen correspond to true
>>       anatomical ones (e.g. is A really anterior)?
>>       cheers
>>       Bruce
>>       On Fri, 24 Apr 2015, Cecilio C Baro Perez wrote:
>>             Hi!
>>             My name is Cecilio! I'm using the freesurfer 5.3 and
>>             I'm having some issues
>>             that I hope you could help me with. When I perform:
>>                recon-all -s patienttesta -all
>>             I get this error:
>>                recon-all -s patienttesta exited with ERRORS
>>                ERROR: talairach_afd: Talairach Transform:
>>             transforms/talairach.xfm
>>             After reading on the internet I even try this
>>             command:
>>                 recon-all -s patienttesta -all -use-mritotal
>>             But it stills give me the same error
>>             Could you please tell me what the problem could be?
>>             Thank you in advance!
>>             Best regards, Cecilio.
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