Hi Chris
we stopped developing tkmedit some years ago. Can you use freeview for
this instead?
On Wed, 15 Apr 2015, Chris Adamson wrote:
In tkmedit, if I use a tcl script with
SetBrushShape 3 0 1
The radius and shape are set to 3 and circular, respectively. However, the
brush is not 3d, it only edits in the current slice. This bug is in 5.3.0
and the cvs version.
Dr Chris Adamson
Research Officer, Developmental Imaging, Murdoch Childrens Research
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
Royal Children’s Hospital
Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia
E chris.adam...@mcri.edu.au
T 03 9936 6780
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